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Q: What are the similarities and differences between evaporation and condensation?
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What do evaporation and condensation have in common?

They are the exact oposite, but the energy of evaporation and energy of condensation are the samedifference between evaporation and condensation evaporation is change of solid into vapour ----

What are the similarities and differences between evaporation and distillation?

They are both methods which use heat to separate mixtures.

Differences between evaporation and distillation?

evaporation: change of state from and liquid to gas. distillation: method of separating a solution to its own components that involves boiling and condensation

What is the same between evaporation and condensation?

Condensation is the process of changing gas into liquid when heat is given. Evaporation is the process of changing liquid into gas below boiling point. There aren't many similarities but you can say that both processes need heat.

What is the Difference between evaporation condensation precipitation?

evaporation is a method to condensing

What is the main difference between condensation and evaporation?

evaporation is the process of water going from a liquid to a gas. condensation is the formation of clouds

What in a dynamic equilibrium between the liquid state and the gas state the rate of evaporation is?

the rate of evaporation will be equal to the rate of condensation

What is the difference in between conensation and evaporation?

evaporation floats up in the air and condensation does not i don't know

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How does water move between the hydrosphere and atomosphere?

evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

Where does most of the water in the atmosphere come?

oceans (: oceans (: