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the similarities between compounds and mixtures are that they are both made up of two or more elements and that they could both be separated and then mixed with different elements to make a new mixture and compound.

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Keely Brakus

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2y ago
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9y ago

the similarities between compounds and mixtures are that they are both made up of two or more elements and that they could both be separated and then mixed with different elements to make a new mixture and compound.

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13y ago

both contain two or more elements

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Q: What are the similarities between mixtures and compounds?
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what are the similarities of mixtures and compounds?

What is the similarities between substance and mixtures?

A mixture contain one or more substances (compounds).

How do mixtures differ from compound?

mixtures differ from compounds because mixtures are made up of random things that have no similarities and compounds don't.

What are the similarities of mixtures and compounds?

they are both from science. -n and a

Are there any similarities between mixtures and compounds?

A compound contains two or more elements and so does a mixture.

Howard is homogeneous and heterogeneous similarities?

They are also mixtures of compounds.

Are compounds considered mixtures?

Compounds are not mixtures; mixtures are formed from compounds.

What are the similarities pure substance and mixtures?

They are both compounds; They both have more than 2 atoms or substances

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Mixtures haven't chemical bonds between components.

Mixtures can what but compounds cant?

Mixtures can be separated by physical methods.

What is the same between compounds and mixtures?

Both compounds and mixtures are made up of two or more substances. However, compounds are chemically bonded together to form a new substance with a fixed composition, while mixtures are physically mixed together and can be separated by physical means.

Do heterogeneous mixtures combine to form compounds?

No. Heterogeneous mixtures are not compounds.