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Q: What are the simplest components of wood rocks and living organisms?
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A group of organisms and nonliving objects that live together?

do you mean like an ecosystem? where living organisms (such as plants and animals) depend on non living components (such as rocks and dirt) to survive.

What is difference between biotic and abiotic components of the environment?

The difference between an abiotic and biotic enviorment is an abiotic enviorment had living organisms in it while a biotic enviorment contains nonliving organisms.

Why do rocks not grow?

Because they are not living organisms.

What are the components of soil?

The components (composition) of soil are; 1. Humus (organic soil) 2. Air (soil air) 3. Water (soil water) 4. Biological/living organisms (soil organisms) 5. Rocks and mineral salts (inorganic soil)

What are the components of the valley ecosystem?

Some of the components of the valley ecosystem includes water, soil and the rocks.

What rocks are made from living organisms or their remains?

all of them

What are biotic components of biosphere?

all the living organisms including, Ants,Insects,Deer,Grass,Acorrn,Moth Etc.

'not living' rocks and minerals?

Inorganic. Not a result of the processes of organisms.

What is the difference between an organism and rocks?

The atoms in the rocks are non-living and the atoms in the organisms are living and the atoms in the rocks do not combine to form living cells and the atoms in the organism combine to form living cells

Interaction of biotic and abiotic component?

Biotic components are the living things that shape an ecosystem. Organisms consume living food and then animals consume the organisms.

Is rocks a living organism?

No live organisms have cells, a rock does not.

What do biogenic rocks contain that makes them so unique?

The remains of living organisms