

What are the solids dissolved in liquid?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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there is only 1 i can think of wich is water

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Q: What are the solids dissolved in liquid?
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What is the difference between total dissolved solids and total suspended solids?

total dissolved solids is how much of the solid is dissolved in the liquid, while suspended total suspended solids is the amount of the solid floating in the liquid. e.g. if you had a solution with both and you filtered the solution then evaporated out the liquid, the solids that you filtered out would be the suspended solids, and the the solids remaining after evaporating the liquid out would be the disolved solids.

How mixture and solution?

A solution is a mixture of a liquid and a liquid, or liquid and dissolved solids.

What is a liquid with a solid dissolved in it called?

A liquid with dissolved solids is a liquid; a liquid with solids suspended in it is a "non-Newtonian fluid." Mix up a 1:1 of water and cornstarch and you'll see what I mean.

How mixture and solution alike?

A solution is a mixture of a liquid and a liquid, or liquid and dissolved solids.

How do you remove dissolved solids from water?

you can evaporate the liquid with heat the solids will not evaporate with it

Is paint a solid?

When it's dry, it is. When the solids are dissolved in their vehicle, it's a liquid.

Why filtration is not good for separating dissolved solids?

A dissolved solid is no longer a solid, but becomes part of the liquid. Filtration can separate suspended solids, which are still solid.

What is a measure of the amount of dissolved salts and other solids in a given amount of liquid?

Salinity is the measure of sodium or salt in liquid.

What word is used for a solid dissolved in liquid?

It is called suspension (of fine solids or precipitate).

Are humans liquid solid or metal?

Humans are a mixture of liquids and solids with small amounts of dissolved gasses.

Why distillation cannot be done with volatile solids dissolved in liquids?

The volatile solids will have a vapor pressure at the boiling point of the liquid which means some of that solid will vaporize and go thru the distillation process with the liquid. When condensed you will not get a pure liquid.

Is paint a liquid a solid or a gas?

Paint is a suspension of solids in a liquid. When the liquid evaporates, the solids are left behind as dry paint (as opposed to the "wet paint" the signs warn you about). There will be some small amount of gas dissolved into the liquid, but it is seldom of any consequence.