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Q: What are the solution to low blood pressure and high heart rate?
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What causes more heart diseases heart rate or high blood pressure?

High blood pressure

What the best way to reduce the high presuer blood?

The best way to reduce high blood pressure is to reduce sodium intake, exercise, and lose weight. Anything that is good for your heart will improve your blood pressure. High blood pressure can be controlled with medication, but improving your health is the best solution.

What does it mean to have a low heart rate and high blood pressure?

A complication of a low heart rate or "Bradycardia" is high blood pressure.

Why children suffer heart attack and high blood pressure?

high blood pressure may be to do with diabetes.

Why is high blood pressure angerous?

High blood pressure can damage your heart, eyes, kidneys, blood vessels and brain

If heart baet is high so is it necssary that blood pressure should also be high?

No not always. If someone is bleeding badly for example their blood pressure will be low but heart rate high as a compensation. Blood pressure and heart rate are usually inversly related.

What is enalapril for?

Enalapril is used to treat high blood pressure. This is an ACE inhibitor that treats high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and other heart problems. A lower blood pressure can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Does high blood pressure cause heart attacks?

High blood pressure can cause heart attacks in males and females of all ages. There is well documented cases of children who have been in need of transplants having died of high blood pressure in many medical journals. There are a high amount of people in every country who have heart attacks due to high blood pressure.

What happens when your blood pressure rises?

When blood pressure rises, it puts increased strain on the heart and blood vessels, which can lead to complications such as atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke. Higher blood pressure can also cause damage to organs over time if left untreated.

What is the function of high blood pressure?

It will affect our heart.

Why is high blood pressure damaging to the heart?

Yes.But they have different causes.For example,high blood pressure can lead to damaging the vital organs or damaging blood vessels.And heart disease can leading to damaging the arteries.Go to to find more information.

How would your blood pressure be affected if a human had a two chamber heart?

the four chambers are there to reduce blood pressure in the heart but when it is a two chambers heart the blood pressure is expected to be high because the heart will be given extra work to do.