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There are no problems of health that women would be likely to encounter from a man that is intact as opposed to one that is circumcised. aside from re infection in the case of yeast infections. The overall statistic is that circumcised men are more likely to spread std's for example then intact men.

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Q: What are the some health problems women encounter with uncircumcised men?
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All women are different. Some women like uncircumcised, some like circumcised.

Why do Jewish women like uncircumcised?

There is no reason to believe that Jewish women like uncircumcised men. In fact, most probably DISLIKEuncircumcised men.

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No, it is not wrong at all. Some girls and women think uncircumcised penises are "dirty and ugly" and they're also worried about health, sanitation, and diseases, since the risks are higher in uncircumcised boys and men.

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Do women like uncircumcised penis better?

Some women may prefer circumcised, and some women may prefer uncircumcised. However, most women like both kinds of penises just fine and would be very happy with either one. The vast majority of the world's men are uncircumcised, so most women will never encounter a circumcised penis. Even in countries where circumcision is practiced such as Israel and the United States, women generally enjoy both kinds of penises. The foreskin makes it easier to stroke the penis during foreplay and makes it easier to give oral sex. Women who are only used to circumcised or uncircumcised penises may take a little while to get used to the different equipment, but once most women get used to it, they love any penis, circumcised or not.

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Too the ladies out there if your bf or husband was uncircumcised would you aks him to get circumcised or have you asked himand would you pay for it if so why?

Some women are grossed out by foreskins and if the uncircumcised man in question wanted to get serious with such a woman, then they have to talk about it. Health insurance does NOT cover the cost of circumcision and it's surgery for men. I don't know if any woman would pay for it.

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