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Q: What are the special characteristics of an ocelot?
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What makes an ocelot special?

it sharp teeth and claws

What are the characteristics of ocelots?

An ocelot is a wild cat that is native to South America. An ocelot's physical characteristics include reddish brown fur with black spots, rounded ears, and weight of 18 to 40 pounds.

Can an ocelot do anything special?

It vhas the ability to eat rhinos

Is it legal to have a ocelot in North America?

Only by special permit.

What characteristics do you think a jaguarundi might have?

Well it does not look like the jaguar! it looks like the ocelot

What is so special about the ocelot?

The ocelot is considered the symbol of life and speed. All people should respect the ocelot and get informed about it. They are very interesting. I encourage any one who cares about anything other that themselves ugly make up and hairspray(A.K.A a gay person)to learn about this extrodinary animal. It is special because it is endangered.

Are there special names for baby ocelots?

yes the special name for an ocelot is a kitten

What characteristics make an ocelot a mammal?

it has fur, it gives birth to live babies, and it drinks milk/produces milk

What is a female ocelot called?


Does mars have a ring or any other special characteristics?

mars does not have a ring or any other special characteristics

Can you touch an ocelot?

You can touch an Ocelot but however , if the Ocelot feels threatened it may injure you.

Where does an ocelot rest?

the ocelot rests in the trees