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Q: What are the special in the cell membrane that allow materials such as water and sugar to pass touch made of?
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What are the special structures in the membrane that allow materials as water and sugar to pass through made of?

Membrane transporter.

What are the special in cell membrane that allow materials such as water and sugar to pass through made of?


What are special structures in the cell membrane that allow materials such as water and sugar pass through made of?


What are the special structures in the cell membrane that allow materials such as water and sugar to pass through made o?

The special structures in the cell membrane that allow materials like water and sugar to pass through are proteins called transport proteins. These proteins help facilitate the movement of specific molecules across the membrane by acting as channels or carriers. They play a crucial role in regulating the flow of substances in and out of the cell.

What are the special structures in the cell membrane that allow materials such as water and sugar through made of?


What are the special structures in the cell membrane that allows materials such as water and sugar to pass made of?


What are the special structures in the cell membrane that allow such as water and sugar to pass through made of?


What are the special structures in the cell membrane that allow water and sugar pass through it made of?

These special structures are called protein gates or protein channels. Water is able to diffuse through the cell membrane since it is a small molecule. However, there are channels called aquaporins that allow water to enter the cell. A glucose molecule cannot just diffuse into a cell. There are glucose channels on the surface of the cell membrane that bind glucose molecules and allow them to enter the cell.

Will a semipermeable membrane allow only water through and not any sugar disovled in water?


What are the special structures in the cell membrane that allows such as water and sugar to pass through made of?


Will a semipermable membrane allow only water through and not any sugar disovled in water?

Yes, a semipermeable membrane will allow only water molecules to pass through, while blocking larger molecules like sugars dissolved in water. This process is known as osmosis, where water moves from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration to achieve balance.

What is the diffusion of water molecule through a selectively permeable membrane?

It's called osmosis. A selectively permeable membrane will only allow certain molecules to pass trough. To illustrate: If you have a high concentration of sugar molecules on one side of the membrane, no sugar on the other side, and the sugar molecules are too big to pass trough the membrane. If this is the case, then water molecules will diffuse over to the side of the membrane with a high sugar concentration. This happens because the molecules try to distribute themselves evenly in the solution. The water molecules move because the sugar molecules can't.