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i need an answer for dat as well i dont really no so soz cuz im lookin for an answer as well

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Q: What are the spikes down a lizards back called?
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Why do thorny devils have spikes?

Thorny devils have spikes to help direct condensation down towards their mouths. The spikes channel the water into little grooves which then lead directly to the reptile's mouth.

Why do lizards move their bodies up and down?

Usually a territorial threat or sexual display by male lizards. The lizards using this type display will often have colorful underbody parts (dew flaps=anoles)colorful underbellies(spiny lizards(bluebellies). Basically used to show how big tough or desirable they are.

Do lemurs eat lizards?

no because the lizards is small and the tongue is small too so the lizards does not eat hamsters.........ok

How do lizards travel?

Lizards do not truly fly. However, there are some species that can glide. One of these is the Draco lizard. They have a thin membrane that extends down their rib cage. When they make their leap, they extend their front limbs forward into a stream line position. Their back legs fold back into an angle to direct their 'flight'. They also have a smaller membrane on their neck that acts as a stabilizer.

What is the tooth edge of a comb?

The 'teeth' of a comb are the spikes that glide through your hair when you use it. These teeth are fixed into the back of the comb which is rigid and keeps the comb straight. The 'tooth edge' of the comb is therefore the edge of the comb where all the teeth are separate and rough when you feel it - opposite to the back of the comb which is smooth. If you run your thumb nail down the tooth edge of a come all the teeth will make a 'plinking' sound.

Related questions

What is a Mexican myth monster?

Chupacabra. It is the size of a small bear and has spikes going down its back. It likes to eat goats.

What was Down syndrome called in 1940?

It was called Down Syndrome back then, too.

Why do thorny devils have spikes?

Thorny devils have spikes to help direct condensation down towards their mouths. The spikes channel the water into little grooves which then lead directly to the reptile's mouth.

What is that line called on animals below their nose like a harelip?

it is the philtrum, almost every animal has it all the way down to lizards.

Why do the spikes on soccer cleats go down fast?

They do that because they get worn down by the grass and go down from kicking the soccer ball. Also they have to be a certain length, and after a few uses, the running will wear them down. That is why spikes on a soccer cleats go down fast.h

What dinosaur has two rows of protective rows down its back?

You are referring to Stegosaurus. Stegosaurus was a slow, herbivorous dinosaur that had two rows of plates on its back, and four spikes on its tail as a self defense weapon.

Do lizards lie down when they sleep?


How do lizards move around?

He goes up and down because he is breathing. Compare: Our chests goes in and out when we breath lizards go up and down when they breath

What is the physical appearance of the ancient Greek griffin?

It has the wings and front half of an eagle and the tail and back half of a lion. The males have no wings. Instead, they have spikes down their backs.

What kind of caterpillar is green with fuzzy yellow spikes on its back?

The American Dagger Moth's caterpillar is fuzzy and yellow with what looks like black spikes. But a closer look shows it is just fuzz.

Can lizards be put down?

Yes they can if need arises

What is a down ball in volleyball?

When a player jumps up and spikes a ball down on the other side of the court