

What are the steps in cleaning the room?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Some tools you may need before you begin

  • rags, old cloth baby diapers or paper towels
  • hamper
  • garbage bag
  • Swifter duster (optional)
  • free hour to clean
  1. Look at your bedroom floor, anything that's on the floor it in the center of the room. You'll deal with it all later when I say to.
  2. Make your bed and put all the pillows on it neatly.
  3. If it is nice out, open your window to let in some air.
  4. Take all the things off your beau and use a damp rag to dust off that beau. Nicely rearrange your things.
  5. While your still at your beau, if it has a mirror use a paper towel to wipe it down with Windex, you'll be surprised to see all that dust coming off.
  6. Remember that pile in the middle of your room I tole you about? Everything has its place, so put shoes in the closet, dirty clothes in the hamper, clean clothes hang up or fold up, that old piece of gum goes in the garbage.
  7. You should be able to see your floor again.
  8. If you have a bookcase, pull it out from against the wall, and see how much junk was behind it for x amount of years! Put those things away.
  9. Now, doesn't your room look so tidy and well kept?
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