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simply restart ur computer when it is already on..........nd if u dont no how 2 do that i cant help u in any way........sorry:(

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Kabakyara Hope

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6mo ago

A computer system automatically loads the predefined memory location into the IR(instruction register) when it is turned on, preparing the instruction for execution

The bootstrap program's primary function is run a diagnostic test(POST) which system's various components.iy continues the testing of the system bus,RAM, internal clock,disk divers,visual display card,and keyboard are all tested

Steps for performing a warm booting

A warm boot is sometimes necessary when a program encounter am error from which it can not recover

On PC's you can perform a warm boot by processing the control ,Alt,and delete keys simultaneously .

On Mac's you can perform a warm boot by pressing the restart button.

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11y ago

simply restart ur computer when it is already on..........nd if u dont no how 2 do that then u are usless but if u know and turn on the computer again and if u cant do that to then u are hopeless

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Q: What are the steps in warm booting?
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How do you describe warm booting?

Warm booting is the restarting of a computer

Cold booting and warm booting in detail?

cold booting is simply shutting down the pc. warm booting is restarting the pc.

Steps of booting a computer?

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What are the ways of booting?

Cold booting occurs when the electrical power (the switch button) on the system unit is turned and warm booting occurs when the computer system restart or reset without turning off the power.

To warm boot a computer means to?

Warm booting refers to when your computer is already on and you do a Restart to the system. This is also called soft booting.

What is starting a computer that is already on called?

warm booting

What are the 10 main steps for booting?

yes idownload

How do you xxplain the booting process-warm booting and cold booting and how it is important for the computer operation?

COLD BOOT - Booting up from power off condition.WARM BOOT- Restarting the computer WITHOUT turning the power off.

Outline the steps of booting process for amicrocomputer indicate the siginficance of each step?

press the red button IT WORKS!

Mention the septs In booting?

The 7 steps of booting process in a computer are: Power On BIOS POST (Power-On Self-Test) Bootloader Execution Operating System Loading Kernel Initialization System Initialization User Login.

What are various booting techniques?

1. Cold Booting 2. Hot Booting

Which process refers to starting up a computer?

its called a "boot-up"