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Q: What are the steps too prime a Keurig?
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Why does my Keurig sometimes say PRIME and you cant do anything but unplug your maker and start over?

cuz it hates u.

When was Keurig created?

Keurig was created in 1992.

What does the word keurig mean?

Keurig is Dutch for excellence.

What kind of coffee packets does the Keurig Vue take?

The Keurig Vue takes packets that are a slightly different shape than the Keurig K-cups. For more information and to buy packs for a Keurig Vue, shop at Keurig's Official Site.

Wild strawberry Keurig pink or red?

keurig pink?

What is the newest version of Keurig coffee maker?

The newest available mode of Keurig coffee makers is the Keurig Pro series coffee maker.

Are there coupons available for the Keurig?

You can get Keurig coupons from the RetalMeNot website. There, you can print off the coupons and buy a new Keurig machine that is now made affordable.

Are there any current Keurig coupons available to use?

Yes there are places online where you can find Keurig coffee machine coupons, they are listed below:

How do you change water filter in Keurig?

need instructions for use of keurig filter system

Are Keurig cups sold at Macy's?

"Yes, Macy's sells Keurig cups at all of its branches, and has a wide variety of Keurig coffee and tea cups for you to choose from at each of its locations."

What's the main difference between the Keurig Special Edition and the Keurig Platinum Coffee Brewer?

The Keurig Special Edition has a more striking paint job, and comes with a few special accesories, but is functionally equivalent to the standard Keurig Platinum Coffee Brewer.

The steps on how to divide 127 to 36.00?

No, it is a prime number.