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Organic and Inorganic.

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Q: What are the sub-branches of chemistry?
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There are many branches and subbranches of physics. Some examples are: acoustics (the study of mechanical waves), astrophysics (the study of the universe), geophysics (the study of the earth), and thermodynamics (the study of temperature and pressure changes).

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Youtube : Outlaw Map of Physics : Let physics map itself.

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How does chemistry depend on chemistry?

Chemistry is entirely dependent on chemistry. If it weren't for chemistry, chemistry wouldn't exist.

What are the five major branches of chemistry?

there are five branches: inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, and biochemistry. they could be further broken down into sub-branches such as organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electroanalytical chemistry, and so on and so forth.

What are the five branches of chemistry?

Physical chemistry Analytical chemistry Organic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Materials chemistry

Difference between filipino chemistry and foreign chemistry?

language is different, filipino chemistry is chemistry of filipine, foreign chemistry is chemistry of that country

How is environmental science related to chemistry?

Chemistry is the chemistry if youre a chemistry then good for you

Give the 5 principal of the brnches in chemistry?

The 5 branches of chemistry are the analytical chemistry organic chemistry inorganic chemistry physical chemistry biochemistry