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HPMC, Ethyl cellulose, CAP..

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Some examples of sustained release polymers include ethylcellulose, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC). These polymers are designed to release drugs or active ingredients slowly and steadily over an extended period of time, providing a longer duration of therapeutic effect.

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Q: What are the sustained release polymers?
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Do anabolic reactions release energy while building polymers?

No, anabolic reactions require energy input to build polymers. Energy is stored in the chemical bonds of these polymers and is released when they are broken down in catabolic reactions.

Polymers are formed by hydrolysis?

Polymers are typically formed by condensation reactions, not hydrolysis. In a condensation reaction, monomers combine to form a polymer chain with the release of a small molecule like water. Hydrolysis, on the other hand, is the breakdown of polymers into monomers by the addition of water molecules.

Why do natural polymers not pose as much of an issue in landfills as synthetic polymers Natural polymers are cheap to recycle and synthetic polymers are expensive to recycle. Natural polymers are expe?

Natural polymers are biodegradable, meaning they can be broken down by bacteria and other organisms in the environment. This process helps to reduce the amount of natural polymers going to landfills. Synthetic polymers, on the other hand, are not easily biodegradable and can persist in the environment for a long time, contributing to landfill waste issues.

When monomers combine they form what?

Monomers hook up to form polymers. There is a link below that will lead you to the Wikipedia post on polymers.Water is also produced, this is a condensation reaction.

Are all polymers man made?

No, not all polymers are man-made. Some polymers can be found in nature, such as proteins, cellulose, and DNA. These natural polymers have unique properties and functions in living organisms.

Related questions

Which polymer are used in sustained release drug formulation?

A combination of various polymers are used such as Hydroxypropyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose and many others. These sustained release (XR, ER, SR) tablets may or may not be film coated as well.

Is inmecin-R a sustained release capsule?

Yes,Inmecin R is a sustained release capsule

What is difference between extended release and sustained release in the welbutrin?

sustained release dosage form follows first order kinetics.

How do polymers affect humans?

Polymers can release reactants that are harmful to humans. Not only can they harm humans, but they can harm the environment as well.

What does SR mean in a precription?

Sustained Release.

What dosage form does Phenytoin come in?

Sustained-release capsules.

What happen when you crush a sustained release tablet?

what happens if you crush a tablet

What does sustained release mean from the absorption point of view of pills?

Sustained release means that the pill is steadily released into the bloodstream instead of releasing all at once. This is beneficial in that the pill's effects will last longer.

Definition of matrix tablet?

its the type of tablet which is designed such that it releases it contents regarding first order kineticks or zero order kinetics due to special arrangement and combination of hydrophobic and hydrophilic polymers as an excipient to form a matrix. example of such a matrix tablets are, controlled release tablet, sustained released tablet. these all come under the category of modified release tablet. by wrupesh(9558919292)

Do anabolic reactions release energy while building polymers?

No, anabolic reactions require energy input to build polymers. Energy is stored in the chemical bonds of these polymers and is released when they are broken down in catabolic reactions.

Polymers are formed by hydrolysis?

Polymers are typically formed by condensation reactions, not hydrolysis. In a condensation reaction, monomers combine to form a polymer chain with the release of a small molecule like water. Hydrolysis, on the other hand, is the breakdown of polymers into monomers by the addition of water molecules.

Calculation of dose for sustained release dosage form?

25 mg daily dose