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Incontinence, chronic fatigue and weight loss are all associated with B12 deficiency. Depression and tremors may also indicate a problem although may be due to other problems.

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Q: What are the symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency?
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Can you have both iron-deficiency anemia and vitamin B12 anemia?

i guess so but then it would be called deficiency anemia because you are lacking nutrition

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Can a Vitamin B12 deficiency be connected to something serious like leukemia?

No, but a vitamin b12 deficiency cause megaloblastic anaemia

Does b12 deficiency cause eye problems?

Having a deficiency in vitamin B12 could be a contributing factor of eye problems. Double vision is a certain condition that can happen because of a vitamin B12 deficiency.

What is the most deficiency worldwide?

vitamin B12

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Vitamin B12

What is vitamin B6 deficiency?

A deficiency in the essential Vitamin B12.

Explain the relation between vitamin b12 and pernicious anemia?

first of all its called vitamin b12 deficiency anemia. Pernicious anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency anemia are the same thing. Pernicious anemia is caused by a lack of vitamin B12. You're not able to absorb the vitamin B12 due to the absence of intrinsinc factor.

Is vitamin b12 in raw oats?

No. or of no significance for people suffering from B12 deficiency.

What is associated with decreased hematopoiesis?

vitamin b12 deficiency and iron deficiency anemia

What is the most common deficiency worldwide?

vitamin B12

Where can you find vitamin B12 naturally?

Simple, Eat Meat. This is the reasons why vegetarians are much more likely to get vitamin B12 deficiency.