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A cat in labor will start to seek out a quiet, out-of-the-way place to have her kittens. She might do this days before giving birth, or just moments before. You might find her under a bed or in a closet. She may also seem lethargic or not want to be touched or handled.

Try to provide a place for her beforehand, so that she doesn't wind up giving birth in a place that's inconvenient for you (like under a bed) or a place where you can't reach her and the kittens in case of an emergency. A large box or basket with a soft towel spread over the bottom should be acceptable. Avoid putting anything too thick or fluffy in there, because it will make it harder for the kittens to maneuver, and would also be a suffocation risk.

Put mom's "nest" in the quietest place you can offer, like an unused bedroom or a laundry room. Make sure it's not near any heaters, heating or a/c vents, or any drafty windows.

Mom Cat will probably not need any help delivering her babies, but stay nearby just in case she seems to be having difficulty. The kittens may come quickly (every few minutes), or may be more spaced out. Don't interfere unless the mother cat seems to be in serious distress. If in doubt, call the vet. It's better to be cautious and have nothing to worry about, than ignore a problem and risk the life of Mom and babies.

Try to leave everyone alone after the birth, keep the environment quiet and calm. Mom will lick her newborns to stimulate them and get them breathing. She'll usually eat the afterbirth as well. If any kittens aren't moving, or she seems to be ignoring them, gently check to see if the kitten is breathing or moving. If the kitten appears lifeless, try very gently rubbing its entire body for a few seconds. If he/she shows signs of life, gently place them near one of Mom's teats to give it a chance to nurse. However, it's not uncommon for one or more kittens to be stillborn, or to die shortly after birth.

Make sure Mom has plenty to eat and drink in the days ahead! Keep the new family warm and quiet, and enjoy the beautiful delight of your new kittens!

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16y ago

She will start panting and maybe meow. It usually takes 2-4 hours to be in labor.

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