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Some symptoms of acid reflux disease are the regurgitation of food, difficulty swallowing, coughing, wheezing, and chest pain. Occasional acid reflux can be treated with over-the-counter medication such as Tums, Pepcid AC, and Prilosec OTC. However, if signs and symptoms worsen, see your doctor.

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Q: What are the symptoms of acid reflux and what are the treatment options?
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Can you get a hernia from acid reflux?

No you can't, but a hernia can be a reason that you are experiencing acid reflux symptoms.

What are the benefits of GERD treatment?

The benefits of GERD treatment is that you will be cured of your symptoms, which are commonly abdominal pain and acid reflux. You will also reduce the risk of cancer.

How to Treat Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux occurs when the LES, or lower esophageal sphincter does not effectively keep stomach acid from migrating up into the chest and esophageal area. When this happens, irritating acid can cause heartburn, cough and a burning sensation in the throat. Acid reflux treatment can include the use of over the counter medications that block acid production, or medications that neutralize excess stomach acids. In addition, acid reflux treatment may be as simple as staying away from offending foods such as coffee, chocolate and spicy foods. Another effective acid reflux treatment includes elevated the head of the bed, because lying flat can cause stomach acid to back up into the throat. Elevated the head of the bed, either on blocks or a few pillows, can keep acid below the level of the esophagus, therefore, staving off symptoms. Other acid reflux treatments include drinking plenty of water because water dilutes stomach acid, rendering it less irritating, and refraining from drinking alcohol and smoking. Both of these practices have the ability to increase the production of stomach acid. Sometimes, it is necessary to see a health care provider when seeking acid reflux treatment because certain cases can be worse than others, and may require more treatment than over the counter, or home remedies can provide. The physician may prescribe medication and devise a diet plan specifically designed to reduce symptoms of acid reflux. In some cases, however, further medical evaluation may need to be done before an effective treatment plan can be developed. The patient may be sent for lab work, or may be referred to another doctor who specializes in the treatment of acid reflux treatment. Usually, conservative remedies or acid reflux are sufficient enough to reduce symptoms. Eating a healthy diet and limiting coffee can dramatically improve symptoms, as can losing weight. People who are overweight exert pressure on their diaphragms, which can worsen symptoms of acid reflux. Losing a few pounds is sometimes all that is needed in the treatment of acid reflux to significantly reduce symptoms.

Is citric acid harmful if you have acid reflux?

Yes, it can increase the acidity within the stomach triggering symptoms of reflux.

Is ultracet effective for acid reflux?

No, ultracet is not meant to cure or improve the symptoms of reflux.

"Isn't some form of bad breath one of the symptoms of ACID REFLUX And what is the ""CURE"" for this very embarrassing experience"?

That is true. There are a few options for treatment. There are medecines that you can purchase and also there is a surgical procedure. I would suggest that you speak with your doctor.

Is acid reflux heartburn as painful as it sounds?

Acid reflux can be pretty painful, especially to those who suffer from frequent acid reflux episodes. The amount of pain, of course, would really depend upon that particular person's pain threshold and how severe the acid reflux symptoms are. Symptoms include heartburn/acid indegestion, regurgitation ("wet burps" or small amounts of vomit), and dyspepsia (general stomach discomfort). See Web MD's article on Acid Reflux at for more info.

Acid reflux cure?

Medical treatment with antaciids and anti reflux medication. If no improvement and symptoms persist after 2 years of medical treatment, or severe symptoms interfering with normal life style consider anti reflux surgery

What are acid reflux symptoms?

There are quite a few symptoms that can be caused by acid reflux. Some include regurgitation, heartburn, and stomach discomfort, such as burping, nausea, bloating, and upper abdominal pain.

What are symptoms to acid reflux?

Acid reflux symptoms are; heartburn, regurgitation of food, constant burping, nausea, pain, and bloating. A person may also experience sore throats. Symptoms are different depending upon the person.

Are heartburn, regurgitation and chronic sore throat classic symptoms of acid reflux?

Yes, heartburn, regurgitation and chronic sore throat are all indeed classic symptoms of acid reflux disease.

Can you drink coke with acid reflux?

Coke contains things that aggravate acid reflux: carbonic acid (the fizz) and caffeine. You can drink it (it won't kill you) but maybe you shouldn't.