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Well, when the child's side(Right) hurts, and they get like a high fever, and it hurts too much for them to move, then these are the likely symptoms. Imidiatly take them to the hospital just in case!

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My daughter had appendicitis.First she had very severe abdominal pain, then vomiting. The symptoms seemed to go away for a day, then she had abdominal pain a couple days later, and had a fever. She was then diagnosed. It is different for everyone who suffers from this illness. Fevers are usually 99 to 103 degrees. Other symptoms include Nausea, constipation, painful urination, inability to pass gas, and others.

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Q: What are the symptoms of appendicitis for children?
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Do you puke with appendicitis?

yes you can it is one of the symptoms

How do you prevent an appendicitis?

Unfortunately There is no known way of avoiding or preventing appendicitis. Despite this, there are some symptoms to look out for. Symptoms include: -pain in the abdomen, first around the belly button, then moving to the lower right area -loss of appetite -nausea -vomiting -constipation or diarrhoea -inability to pass gas Low fever that begins after other symptoms -abdominal swelling Not everyone with appendicitis will have all of these symptoms, especially in children, pregnant women, or the elderly. Hope this helped:)

Can you name the symptoms that may be present in a person suffering from appendicitis?

Someone suffering from appendicitis will have extreme abdominal pain and will be puking very often. Diarrhea, Fatigue, and Lethargy are also common symptoms of Appendicitis, and if you or someone you know has pain in the lower right quadrant of their abdomen in coherence with the other symptoms, appendicitis may be the culprit.

What do you do if you am having appendicitis symptoms?

If you are having symptoms of appendicitis you should see a doctor as soon as possible, since appendicitis can become very serious quickly. If you have abdominal pain that makes it impossible to sit or stay still, go to the emergency room.

Can appendicitis symptoms feel like a period?

Early stage of acute appendicitis may be confused with pains of periods. Shortly the pain of acute appendicitis becomes worse.

How long does it take for appendicitis symptoms to occur?

It takes hours and not days to develop the symptoms of appendicitis.

What is the most common of the symptoms of an appendicitis?

Some common symptoms of appendicitis include (but are not limited to): pain near the navel or abdomen region, loss of appetite, nausea/vomiting, abdominal swelling, fever, and inability to pass gas.

Where to find appendicitis symptoms?

A reputable website to use is . On this site you can enter your symptoms and have a diagnosis done, or you can also look up the symptoms of any known ailments.

Can appendicitis correct itself or is surgery always required?

While rare or uncommon, yes, there have been cases of chronic or recurrent appendicitis that didn't require surgery. However, due to the fact that those two types of appendicitis are uncommon and appendicitis can be fatal if left unchecked, I'd definitely advice one who has any of the symptoms associated with appendicitis or is concerned they may have appendicitis, to see their health care provider as soon as possible.

How common is it for an 11 year old to have appendicitis?

It is not very common in children, but unhealthy eating/feeding habits can be detrimental

Can crohns be confused with appendicitis?

Yes. Many Crohns sufferers prior to being diagnosed with the disease will have had a diagnosis of appendicitis and many patients will have that organ removed. Severe appendicitis has similar symptoms to a Crohns flare up.

What are the Symptoms of appendicites?

The symptoms of appendicitis are: Vomiting Not eating much Fever Constipation Sharp pains by the lower right abdomen, but may of started of by the belly button