

What are the symptoms of asthma in children?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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The main symptom of Asthma in children is Wheezing, that is 'trouble in breathing'. Asthma causes a clog in the airways of human respiratory system that causes the trouble in breathing.

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Q: What are the symptoms of asthma in children?
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What are the most usual asthma symptoms in children?

Many children cough a lot if they have asthma and they have attacks sometimes.

Are air purifiers good for children with asthma?

Yes, because indoor pollution may increase asthma symptoms. It is an essential tool to reduce the asthma attacks.

What is one of the major symptoms of asthma?

Asthma attack.

What is one of the the major symptoms of asthma?

Asthma attack.

What are the effects or symptoms of asthma?

Symptoms of asthma: shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, coughing

You Could Have Asthma...?

Asthma is a chronic condition that inflames the airways, making them narrow and making breathing a difficult task. Asthma is a condition that affects millions of humans everywhere, and the effects can range from mild to severe. Most people with asthma are diagnosed early in life because the signs are evident in exercise and illness. Nearly 12% of all children in America suffer from asthma. Causes and Triggers There are certain household issues that can cause and trigger asthma. Mold, mildew, and dust can cause asthma in young children. Therefore, if you live close to a watery area such as the beach, you should do the best you can to keep your home clean. Dusting and allowing your home to air out frequently will also help prevent asthma in young children. Asthma Symptoms If you are struggling with coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or chest pain, then you may be asthmatic. These are some of the common symptoms that plague individuals with asthma. You could suffer from trouble sleeping, feeling tired, and constant cold symptoms as well. These are signs of asthma as well. You may not suffer from all of these symptoms at once, but you could still have the disease. Sometimes, these symptoms may surface and disappear for an extended period of time. You may have a severe attack and experience no other symptoms for a while. Some uncommon symptoms of asthma include anxiety, fatigue, trouble exercising, and difficulty sleeping. In any case, make sure you see your doctor at the first sign of asthma. Most symptoms of asthma can be alleviated with the use of an inhaler. Asthma Attacks You may be having an attack, but unaware of the signs of such. In asthma attack, you may experience severe wheezing, constant coughing, chest pain, blue lips, and difficulty talking. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then you need to go to the hospital immediately. Asthma attacks can be deadly if not handled in proper time. Asthma, like all chronic conditions, should not be taken lightly. You should go talk to your doctor or an asthma doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

What are the symptoms of asthma in toddlers?

There are many symptoms of asthma which toddlers may experience. One of the first signs is a cough along with wheezing. Shortness of breath and tightness in their chest are also symptoms which one should watch out for.

Can you tell me something about asthma symptoms?

Shortness of breath, wheezing, and a persistent cough are just some of the symptoms of asthma in adults. Often tightness in the chest is another indication of asthma.

Can Cymbalta increase asthma symptoms?


What are the signs of Asthma in Children?

Asthma symptoms in children include a chronic cough and or coughing fits, less energetic playing, periods of weakness, shortness of breath, wheezing, and complaints of chest pains or tightness. If you suspect that your child may have asthma, your health care provider can properly diagnose and provide treatment for the disease.

What symptoms do I need to look out for to make sure my child has asthma?

The most common childhood symptoms of asthma are: shortness of breath, frequent coughing, whistling/wheezing when inhaling and chest pains. Wheezing is the most common out of them, but not all asthmatic children wheeze and it is possible for an asthmatic child to have only one of the symptoms so if you notice any of the symptoms, it is best to contact a doctor.

What are the symptoms of asthma in adults and what are the treatments?

The symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and frequent coughing especially at night. Another symptom of asthma is difficulty breathing.