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Coagulopathy is a clotting and bleeding disorder where the blood struggles to clot. Coagulopathy may be caused by genetics, such as haemophilia or another disfunction.

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Q: What are the symptoms of coagulopathy?
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How do you use the word coagulopathy in a sentence?

Because of the patient's coagulopathy, he was bleeding from many small injuries. Transfusions of blood and platelets are a common treatment for coagulopathy: the failure of the blood to clot.

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Diffusion, Information et CommunicationDisseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy, a blood disorder.

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There are several things which could be the cause of random back bruising. Some of the causes include spinal fracture, pancreatitis, coagulopathy and back injury among others.

Why the patients having jaundice experience stomach pain?

Jaundice is caused by a build up of bilirubin, that in itself is not thought to be painful but the underlying cause of the jaundice - biliary cirrhosis, pancreatitis, coagulopathy, renal and liver failure are all possible sources of pain and need to be further investigated. Obstructive jaundice, is caused by an interruption to the drainage of bile in the biliary system - this type of jaundice causes pain from an inflammation or blockage in a duct or organ. Jaundice and pain are symptoms of the underlying disease and needs to be treated as such.

What kind of symptoms are there?

There are all kinds of symptoms there are respitory symptoms which have to do with your lungs and breathing. there are cardio symptoms which have to do with your heart there are skin symptoms (eg. rashes bullas blisters ETC). there are neurological symptoms which have to do with your brain. there are Nephrological symptoms which have to do with your kidneys and the filtration of blood and there are urinary symptoms which deal with your bladder

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The word "asymptomatic" means "without symptoms." So it has no symptoms. If a woman has no symptoms, she is asymptomatic.

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