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if you are coming urine, you need to go to the GP.

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Q: What are the symptoms of coming semen with urine?
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When you urine a lot is that a sign that sperm is coming?

No. Urine and semen have nothing to do with each other. That just means you drink a lot

How do you tell the difference between urine and semen?

Semen is white in color, It contains sperms. Urine is our pee, It is yellow or orange in color.. Semen is thicker than urine.. Semen is something like a fluid.

Why is your semen like water?

There are a few possible explanations. You may be over-masturbating, and be weakening the muscle that prevents urine from coming out with semen. Try to go a week without masturbating, then see if your semen is still watery. If it is, see a doctor.

Is white urine related to sperm?

By white urine you mean clear urine or white because clear urine is just urine but white urine is semen and if you had a "tickling" sensation before it happened then its semen.

How do you know what is coming out of your penis - urine or semen?

Semen usually spurts out when you have an orgasm, that excited feeling at the end of masturbation. Semen also can leak out in small amounts when you have an erection. Or it can come out during the night if you have a "wet dream". Semen is usually only two or three teaspoonsful, and will often have dried up by the morning. Dried semen has no smell. If you are a teenager, urine will usually never leak out, unless you are maybe still wetting the bed at night. Urine has a distinctive smell, which you probably know, even after it has dried. If urine is leaking out you should tell your doctor, as this is unusual with young people.

Will semen in your urine make a persons U.A. be clean from drugs?

No, semen in urine will not affect the UA in any way.

In the male what carries urine and semen?


What are the first symptoms of prostate cancer?

Difficulty urinating, pain while urinating, blood in the urine, blood in the semen,chronic constipation, and pain in the lower back, upper thighs or hips are some of the first symptoms of prostate cancer.

Does semen exit the body after being swallowed?

Yes, the semen is excreted in the form of faeces or urine.

Does semen contain urine?

Sometimes it is completely white but that does not always.

Blood in urine and semen?

Not good. See a doctor.

Are the yellow stains on a mattress pad semen stains?

No it is probably urine, white is semen. However, dried semen may be off-white.