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Extreme mood lift, increase in energy, increase in social outgoingness, acuteness in senses (hearing, touch, sight are much more sensitive than sober). Feelings of love and comfort are more apparent as a MDMA user will explore these emotions more with people around them.

Dehydration, nausea, and jaw clenching are a few negative side effects, but when taking a pure MDMA (Molly) pill it's very less likely for these to occur.

however, ecstasy is highly addictive as it a form of amphetamine and is commonly "cut" with extremely harmful chemicals (such as Ajax) that can cause high damage to your body in order to increase profit for to one selling it. I also personally know people who have overdosed on ONE ecstasy tablet because the producer did not "cut" it and it was therefore pure and to much for your body. keep in mind that ecstasy is a form of amphetamine (the same family as crystal meth), and it is therefore (to put it plainly) ONE HELL OF A DRUG!! and is NOT TO BE MESSED WITH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!

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Q: What are the symptoms of ecstasy?
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What are symptoms of ecstasy abuse?

rolling balls.

What are ecstasy withdraw symptoms?

Usually there are no withdrawal symptoms of ecstasy because it is not a substance that is easily addicted to. But you might experience a ''crashing'' sensation when the high wears off that is usually accompanied with a strong feeling of depression.

What system of the body does ecstasy effect?

Ecstasy makes your body feel amazing, but its effects are very dangerous to your health as a whole, physically and mentally. Using Ecstasy ruins the central nervous system, increases the rate of heart-beat and results is death when symptoms get complicated over a period of time.

What are the symptoms of ecstasy addiction?

Characteristic symptoms of ecstasy addiction include euphoric like behavior, extreme energy level, seeing things others can't and excessive sweating. Nausea, muscle cramping, blurred vision and teeth clenching. This drug also disrupts the bodies temperature regulation and can lead to hypothermia that can result in overdose.

How does Ecstasy affect your body after?

Ecstasy affects different people in different ways. Some people may feel tired, emotionally drained, sore, achy, they may have lock jaw from chewing or grinding their teeth too much. Other people, this is mostly in people who take ecstasy more often, may have more severe physical symptoms such as acid reflux and diarrhoea

What is an example of a sentence using the word ecstasy?

Ecstasy is an illegal drug.She was in a state of sheer ecstasy.

What is ecstasy misuse?

when you misuse ecstasy.

Sentence using ecstasy?

She was on ecstasy.

How do you get an irection while on ecstasy?

If u can get an erection while on ecstasy, then ur not on enough ecstasy.

Ecstasy in a sentence?

Upon opening my birthday present, I was in pure ecstasy.

What is the Greek word for ecstasy?

Έκσταση (ecstasy).

Does ecstasy have THC?

No. Ecstasy is MDMA, not THC.