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Cysts on the liver is a horrible condition and may be a precursor to something serious. Some of the symptoms of liver cysts are pain in the general area as well as abdominal distention.

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Q: What are the symptoms of liver cysts?
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What are heptic cysts on the liver?

Hepatic cysts, are fluid filled bubble like things on your liver, they can cause liver disturbances.

What are the characteristics of polycystic liver disease?

PLD is a rare condition that causes cysts -- fluid-filled sacs -- to grow throughout the liver. A normal liver has a smooth, uniform appearance. A polycystic liver can look like a cluster of very large grapes. Cysts also can grow independently in different parts of the liver. The cysts, if they get too numerous or large, may cause discomfort and health complications. But, most people with polycystic liver disease do not have symptoms and live a normal life. Most of the time, people with polycystic liver disease have no symptoms. However, if the liver becomes enlarged and riddled with cysts, symptoms may include: Abdominal pain Bloating or swelling in the abdomen Feeling full Only about one out of every 10 people with PLD has problems associated with it. In addition to severe abdominal pain, other complications may include: Bleeding into a cyst Infection of a cyst Bile duct obstruction and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)

What complications can occur from liver cysts?

Liver cysts can be simply drained in hospital sometimes or the patient can take strong antibiotics to clear them. Liver cysts can lead to hospitalisation if they become very bad and can be a danger to life.

How are perineural cysts diagnosed?

Because most perineural cysts don't cause symptoms, most perineural cysts are never diagnosed. When symptoms do develop that are suggestive of perineural cysts, MRI will usually demonstrate their presence

What does it mean to find a lump on a liver in a human?

there is a possibility that it might be a liver cysts.

Are cysts on the liver dangerous?

A cyst in the liver and gallbladder is not necessarily dangerous. This varies with the type and size of the cyst. In some cases a cyst will require surgery, especially if it becomes painful.

Why can't you just drain a perineural cysts?

Although using a needle to drain fluid from perineural cysts can temporarily relieve their accompanying symptoms, eventually the cysts will refill with cerebrospinal fluid and the symptoms will recur

What are symptoms of sclerosis of the liver?

sclerosis of the liver symptoms

What diseases affect liver?

Some of the diseases are Wilson's Disease, hepatitis (an inflammation of the liver), liver cancer, and cirrhosis (a chronic inflammation that progresses ultimately to organ failure).

How common is it for perineural cysts to be asymptomatic?

Many people have perineural cysts but no symptoms at all; in fact, the majority of people with these cysts are completely unaware of their existence

Is stomach pain a symptom of ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts are associated with a variety of symptoms, although sometimes ovarian cysts do not cause symptoms. Stomach pain such as swelling, pressure, or pain in the abdomen, can be present. Other symptoms include pelvic pain, dull back ache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, or difficulty fully urinating.

Are the development of cysts a complication of hyperparathyroidism?

The symptoms of HPT vary widely from patient to patient. That said, the development of cysts is a potential symptom of Hyperparathyroidsim.