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The symptoms are most notably white dots appearing all across the fish. However that does not always appear on each and every fish infected with Ich, however their swimming is affected along with their fins being folded across their bodies.

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Q: What are the symptoms of the fish disease known as Ich?
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All fish can catch the ich. The Ich is probably the common fish disease, the ich refers to a ciliated protozoan of the genus Ichthyophthirius. Ich is present all the time in aquaria just waiting the "right" time to burst. The ich covers himself with tough outer shell, in this time he feeds on the fish body fluids.This stage known as theront is a visible stage and we can see it clearly on the fish body. Each theront appears as a very small white spot on the fish body, those white spots are what we called ich disease.

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ICH is a disease that is curable, but will kill your fish in a matter of seconds. You should go to a nearby petstore, your local walmart sells an ich killer but it very well will kill your fish too. I buy a cristalized like Ich killer, and it works very well. You dont have to raise the temp. in your tank or worry about your fish dieing. You just have to put the recommended amount in, and wait. I suggest you dont put more than that, making the water more toxic. It will kill your fish if you do overdose.WHAT REALLY IS ICH?Ich is a disease that sucks at the blood in your fish. IT will later inflame the gills thus, the fish will not be able to breath. Your fish will almost die instantly. If your fish have had Ich for a long time and it spreads, your fish will most likely not be curable because, your fish will have little to no blood left in the body. ICH is a disease that is curable, but will kill your fish in a matter of seconds. You should go to a nearby petstore, your local walmart sells an ich killer but it very well will kill your fish too. I buy a cristalized like Ich killer, and it works very well. You dont have to raise the temp. in your tank or worry about your fish dieing. You just have to put the recommended amount in, and wait. I suggest you dont put more than that, making the water more toxic. It will kill your fish if you do overdose.WHAT REALLY IS ICH?Ich is a disease that sucks at the blood in your fish. IT will later inflame the gills thus, the fish will not be able to breath. Your fish will almost die instantly. If your fish have had Ich for a long time and it spreads, your fish will most likely not be curable because, your fish will have little to no blood left in the body.

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"Danger: do not put any body parts in tank!" But seriously, here are some symptoms of some common diseases: Ich is a common fish disease, the symptoms are small white cysts on the fins and body of the fish. The fish will also try and scratch itself against rocks and gravel. It can be treated with medications from your local fish store. another common disease is fin rot. it appears as clouding on the edges of the fins, and eventually becomes badly frayed and mangled fins (or tail). This disease should be treated immediately with a broad spectrum nontoxic antibiotic. medication is also available at your local fish store.

Why does your fish have a reddish nose and white patches?

Hi, the white spots are on your fish because your fish has a disease called ich or ick. To cure ick you need to buy a liquid for ich cure in a local pet fish shop. Ick or ich is like an allergy for fishes. Thank you :)

HELP can the white spot disease in fish cause hyperplasia?

Not that I'm aware of, the 'white spot' disease is called Ich and you will be able to find treatment options with some research.

How do you cure ich in a 125 gallon saltwater tank?

Remove the sick fish..... the fish that has the ich should be put in a hospital tank then treated for ich, corals do not get ich, only the fish, so a ten gallon tank with a aerator would be ideal for a hospital tank....

Ich on fish for how long?

Ich will kill every fish in the tank. It is deadly if left untreated. You will need to get to a pet shop and buy some Whitespot /Ich medication ASAP.

Do you need to separate goldfish when one of them has itch disease?

No you will need to treat the aquarium the fish is in rather than the fish. Ich is a microscopic protozoan that will now be in the environment the fish is in and it will eventually infect (attack) all the inhabitants of the aquarium if not treated.

Is it safe to get more fish after treating ich for 48 hours?

NO. the lifecycle of ich unless you carefully turn up the temperature of the water is 2 WEEKS and only treatable in a short period of the cycle. No fish should be added to any tank with ich until the fish are free of any symptoms for at the very least 2 weeks. If it's a freshwater non planted tank then treat with salt and a gradual slight increase in heat. New fish will get sick too and further pollute the tank causeing more stress(resulting in suppressed immune systems) and the risk will increase of death from the ich.

Why do catfish sharks continue to get ick and no other fish?

There are some species of fish that are very prone to Ich infections and some of the loaches (in particular Botias) are well known for it. Ich is one of those bugs that have to be totally destroyed otherwise they will continue to come back. I would advise you to buy a good Ich cure from a pet shop and follow the directions exactly.

What medication can be used to cure ich in a fish tank?

Any place that sells fish products will sell some kind of ich medication. there are many to choose from.

What are the causes of Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis in fish?

Ich itself is the cause. The disease is usually referred to as ich, ick or whitespot and manifests itself as small (grain of salt) white spots all over the fish. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is the Latin name for the parasite that causes this disease. It frequently appears when fish are stressed, such as when the tank is not properly cycled and there is a trace of ammonia in their water, when they are exposed to incorrect temperature, pH or temperature fluctuations, overcrowding, underfeeding or similar stresses. In the established home aquarium, ich usually occurs when a new fish from a stressful environment (such as a bad pet store) is introduced without the proper quarantine period being observed. There are many methods of treating ich, including salt and high temperatures, and commercial remedies based on malachite green, methlyene blue and formalin.