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Some of the symptoms for the flu are the same as the common cold, but there are a few symptoms that you only get with the flu. The most common of these symptoms are a fever of 101 or higher, body and joint aches, and a headache. If you are experiencing these symptoms along with other cold like symptoms we recommend seeing your Dr. about the flu.

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Q: What are the symptoms of the onset of flu?
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Could this be the beginning of a flu soar throat cough temp 100-103?

Yes those symptoms are typical for the onset of the flu. It could be seasonal, or H1N1. Fever is usually a good indicator that you have the flu. Isolate yourself, drink plenty of fluids, REST, and see your doctor if you are in a high risk category.

How do you tell if it is the flu or meningitis?

It will take a doctor examination and/or specific testing to make the determination, since the early symptoms of the flu and meningitis are similar. The hallmark symptoms of meningitis (except in toddlers and infants) are severe unrelenting headache, stiff neck, and high fever, usually with abrupt onset of the symptoms. The flu will almost always be accompanied by respiratory symptoms of cough, sneezing, and runny nose. The flu may cause general body and muscle aches, but usually not the classic severe neck stiffness and pain that most often accompanies meningitis and can prevent even the slightest head movement without pain.

If someone was exposed to swine flu can they give it to you before their symptoms show up?

It is possible. They can be infective for around one, maybe two days prior to the onset of their symptoms. Be on guard at all times to follow the safety precautions and avoid contact with potential for catching the flu. This is why handwashing whether you believe you have been exposed or not is so very important for prevention.

If you have both flu and cold symptoms what do you have?

You could have either a cold or the flu or both. Or, you could have allergies. See the related questions for information about the symptoms of cold and flu.

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In biological terrorist incidents onset of symptoms are usually minutes to hours.

Anyone ever get flu like symptoms from poison oak sumac rash?

It's not common for poison oak to cause flu symptoms. However, it can cause allergy symptoms which can appear similar to those of a flu.

How can you recognize a flu symptom?

Flu symptoms are hard to recognize sometimes as they often appear as cold symptoms, however a telling sign of the flu is in the suddenness and intensity of which the symptoms hit you that are often accompanied by weakness and fatigue.

Flu Symptoms?

There are several types of the flu. There is the common seasonal flu and the swine flu. The flu is an acute respiratory infection that is caused by flu viruses. The flu is very contagious and is spread when inhaling infected flu drops from the air. The symptoms of the swine flu are typically similar to those of the seasonal flu. If you have a chronic medical condition, it is important to know the symptoms of the flu so that you can seek treatment as soon as possible. Flu symptoms for the seasonal flu normally start in the fall and carry on to the spring. There is an initial outbreak of school aged kids that get sick with it. The difference in the symptoms of the flu and the common cold is that flu symptoms come on sudden no matter which flu it is. It typically starts with an onset of fever. The fever can go from a low grade fever to a moderately high one of 104 degrees accompanied with uncontrollable shivering within a matter of hours if treatment is not sought. You will experience mild to moderate and sometimes severe aches and pains in the muscles and joints as well as around the eyes. The body will become weak and tired and movement will almost feel impossible. Due to the fever, your skin will become flushed and red and look ill appeared with watery eyes. The fever can cause headaches that can feel like migraines and a sharp pounding behind the eyes. Coughing and sneezing make this feeling worse. There will be a dry rough cough that makes your lungs feel as if they are going to collapse. From the excess coughing, your throat will become sore. You will also have watery eyes as well as a watery discharge from your nose. With the swine flu, the symptoms may be similar and can also include diarrhea and vomiting. These symptoms are somewhat more severe with the swine flu.

What do you have if you show Flu like symptoms red spots on belly?

flu like symptoms,red spots on belly,and nausea