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When you start shaking hands with girls, it's time to get a lab test for free testosterone in your bloodstream. Men's testosterone level varies from 280 t0 800 nanograms per deciliter of blood. Free testosterone means that it has already metabolized by the liver.

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9y ago

Levels of testosterone do start decreasing in men as they age. Testosterone therapy has been proven to increase the libido. However, to learn more about the ins and outs of any medical procedure, it is best to discuss your health with a medical professional.

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Q: What are some of the symptoms requiring testosterone therapy?
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ya there r some private sector companies which provide services to this kind of insurance 4 testosterone therapy

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Just like the female menopause the male menopause can be treated by using hormones. There is the option of testosterone replacement therapy. Talking to your doctor should help and they may be able to recommend a change of diet or exercise program to alleviate the symptoms.

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Low testosterone is a VERY common cause of erectile dysfunction and low libido in men. A blood or saliva test will measure the available Testosterone and levels below 600 in men would be strong indicators for needing some more Testosterone. There are several ways to get Testosterone help for stronger sex drive and better erections. Creams & Patches don't do much, Injections will give you a terrible spike & roid rage, Pellet therapy is expensive but works best. Do a search for Hormone Replacement Therapy & look for Pellet therapy providers.

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30X testosterone means its a homeopathic remedy. It takes testosterone and dilutes it down to 30X it strength. Most of the time the tablets will not have any testosterone left. Homeopathic medicine uses the principle that the water will have some of the chemical makeup left. Some people believe in this therapy and some don't. Like many supplements there is not much proven benefit. It is up to the individual to determine if homeopathic therapy works. If you have money to give it a try, can't hurt. If not take zinc, eat right, and lift weights.

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Low testosterone is a VERY common cause of erectile dysfunction and low libido in men. A blood or saliva test will measure the available Testosterone and levels below 600 in men would be strong indicators for needing some more Testosterone.There are several ways to get Testosterone help for stronger sex drive and better erections. Creams & Patches don't do much, Injections will give you a terrible spike & roidrage, 100% Natural Pellet therapy is expensive but works best. Do a search for Hormone Replacement Therapy & look for Pellet therapy providers.

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What are symptoms of a man experiencing What are some of the symptoms of a man experiencing low testosterone levels?

Lethargy, low levels of aggression or anger, and low (or no) sex drive. They can also be unusually emotional. Fortunately it is easily corrected. Prescriptions are available in patches or shots and are very effective.

What is the benefit of testosterone for a woman?

The number one benefit is a higher sex drive. Other reported benefits include increased energy, reduced risk of osteoporosis, heightened metabolism, and increased muscle mass. It must be remembered though that women are sensitive to testosterone, so in taking supplements women may experience some masculinizing symptoms that they don't want such as a deepening of the voice or increased facial hair.