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Q: What are the system components present in operating system?
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Is UNIX considered to be a network operating system?

In the legal sense, no. Unix is an operating system and has the components of an NOS (Network Operating System) but it not considered just a network operating system.

What are four hardware components controlled by an Operating System?

Four of the most critical components controlled by an operating system are: CPU, RAM, Hard Drive and Motherboard.

Users and applcation depend on what to relate to all hardware components?

The Operating System (OS) connects the user, applications, and hardware together.

Which components of an operating system maintains the directory system?

file manager

What are the main components of UNIX operating system?

The four main components are: the Kernel, the Shell, the File system and Command

Explain the components of operating system?

There are several components of the operating system which facilitate the proper functioning of a computer system. The main component if the kernel which is broken down into CPU, memory and other devices.

What manages the processor and all other components of the computer system?

The Operating System

What are the four main components of UNIX Operating System?

The four main components are: the Kernel, the Shell, the File system and Command

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What are the functions of the three system components in the Linux operating system?

1. There is no the Linux operating system.2. Only one component is strictly necessary to make a Linux operating system - the kernel.