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Q: What are the techniques to control the intervening variables?
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What is an intervening variable?

An intervening variable is an internal state that is hypothetical in empirical research. It explains the relationships between variables being observed.

What are interfering variables?

An intervening variable is a hypothetical internal state that is used to explain relationships between observed variables

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Is it easier to control dependent variables than independent variables in a scientific experiment?

It is easier to control independent variables

What are the variables that are not changed in an experiment?

The control variables.

What is interventionism?

; The policy or practice of intervening, especially: # The policy of intervening in the affairs of another sovereign state. # The use of government power to control or influence domestic economic activity.

What are contorlled variables in science?

We Is Doing A Project On Control Variables.

Does qualitative research not control variables?

Qualitative research does control some variables. Mediating variables are the type that researchers can intervene with during a quantitative study.

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What are the two types of variables?

The two types of variables are the CONSTANT and CONTROL.

Why is important to control variables in an experiment?

So that you can know what is the manipulating variable, the controlling variable, and the responding variable! To control the variables!