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This type of problem solving is referred to using a heuristic. Specifically in this case, a familiarity heuristic where the assumption is made that past behaviors can be correctly applied to the current situation.

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Q: What are the tendency to perceive and approach problems in the same ways that have worked in the past is called?
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The tendency to perceive and approach problems in the same ways that have worked in the past is called what?

This type of problem solving is referred to using a heuristic. Specifically in this case, a familiarity heuristic where the assumption is made that past behaviors can be correctly applied to the current situation.

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People's tendency to perceive a thing a certain way because their previous experiences or expectations influence them is called?

perpetual expectancy

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The perceptual phenomenon you are referring to exists in pattern perception, and is referred to as seeing a subjective contour.

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