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Don't have sex.

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Q: What are the things to do so that girls will not be pregnant?
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Related questions

Do girls need there period to get pregnant?

No, girls don't need to have menstruated to get pregnant. Ovulation occurs BEFORE menstruation so you can get pregnant before menstruation.

When can girls can pregnant?

Girls can get pregnant once they've had their period.

Why do girls get pregnant so early?

They want to have a baby, or simply irresponsibility.

What is the pregnant girls name off of secret life of an American teenager?

there is 2 pregnant girls now so im guessing youre talking about Amy or Adrian

Does tom kaulitz get girls pregnant?

Guess he will get someone pregnant one day but not so far. He wears rubbers.

How many teens girls get pregnant in a month?

850 000 get pregnant a year so on average that should be about 70800.

Do girls get sensitive when pregnant?

Yes,girls get sensitive when they get pregnant.

Is it true that girls with no dads might get pregnant as a teen?

No. There are many teen girls who live with their dads that get pregnant. Some people say there's a bigger chance but I don't think so.

Can a pregnant girls get pregnant while she is pregnant?

No. She is all ready pregnant.

Why do girls get big nipples when they are pregnant?

The nipples get larger so as to better suckle the baby.

Why are you so sure that Vanessa is not pregnant?

because she is not married so she is not pregnant Pregnancy is a result of sexual intercourse, not of marriage. Many societies disapprove of pregnancy outside marriage, but there are many girls who get pregnant outside marriage.

Is any of the cheetah girls are pregnant?

yes they are pregnant