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Remember that romance consists not only of action. It is also the expression of your love toward your loved one and good treatment. Like the concept of foreplay for women is the verbal expression and showing of your love, appreciation and respect of her as a woman. So here are some suggestions. I am going to use my husband in my example because he is a very romantic man.

I love flowers. He brings me little potted plants he finds at the grocery store. He will come home with it and tell me he bought them for me because they reminded him of how special I am to him and they are cute like me.

He will take me to a restaurant of MY CHOICE and let me order whatever I want. Naturally I don't choose the most expensive item on the menu. I choose the most appealing item since I am at the restaurant that serves my favorite food. He has taken that into consideration (The treatment deal) Then he may say I look pretty tonight or recall a memory of an event we shared a long time ago. We will discuss how wonderful that was and how much we still love each other even after nearly 19 years of being together.

So you get the idea. You know your spouse's loves and dislikes. So you don't take her to a Baseball game when she gets fed up with you always watching baseball on television. You select an activity she will like. You shower her with expressions of your love toward her. Thank her for all she does and is as a person. Tell her why you love her and you have not lost your love for her. Bring her gifts or a nice card or a letter you wrote special for her. If she is having a down day get her something that will lift her spirits. (And remember women want to be listened to and validated. Men are problem solvers so women can offer suggestions to them and identify with their dilemma or relate an experience she had and how she solved it. Men can respond to that. Women don't respond well to problem solving when they want their emotions stroked.)

For a guy you can even bring him flowers if he is not too macho. Even guys like to get flowers, presents and do fun things with their wives. When trying to be romantic there is a really stern rule you must never violate. You cannot discuss the kids, problems or future worries or ever be critical of each other. You must stick to the subject of your loving feelings to one another. You can come up to your wife and kiss her while she is doing laundry or another chore. She can stare at you while you mow the lawn and send you sexy signals. So romance is about the love relationship and the expression of it. I know couples who have been married sixty years who still hold hands, dress up for one another, go on dates and adventures or let the spouse sleep in. Have fun keeping love alive in your relationship.

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