

What are the things trees provide for wildlife?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Food, protection and shelter.

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Q: What are the things trees provide for wildlife?
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Why do you destroy wildlife?

We need trees and many other things that are wildlife's home and we really cant live without that stuff.

Why are trees and forest so important in the wildlife?

they provide a habitat for animals, they prevent erosion, they provide food for animals, and they release oxygen

How does trees help environment?

Trees are like the lungs of the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Additionally, they provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. But that's not all trees do for us!

How are forests important to us and other living things?

Forests are real natural treasures. They provide much of our earth's natural habitats for much of the wildlife. if we cut down forests, the wildlife there will die out and that will destroy the food chain and eventually us. The trees provide all living things with clean O2 or Oxygen. The forests convert Carbon dioxide (All our fault) and provide clean oxygen and because we are cutting these treasures, the amount of Carbon Dioxide is surpassing the amount of clean oxygen for all living things to breathe and live off of. Please, save our environment.

What is wildlife all about?

Wildlife is all about animals and trees and plants like a forest for example that is part of wildlife!

How are holly trees helpful to wildlife?

Birds can eat it in winter when there's no other food for them.

How are holy trees helpful to wildlife?

holy trees are helpful to wildlife because: birds can eat it in the winter ,when there 's no other food for them to eat

Why are trees logged and milled?

To provide timber,paper,firewood and many more useful things

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trees many trees,insects mammal

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" Saaaaaave wildlife, Saaaaaaave Wildlife, Saaaaaaave Wildlife." " One Tree Can Start A Forest, Plant One Today"

How do we use trees?

Trees give us air. They also provide paper, building material, food, and shelter from the elements, among other things.

Is there such thing as a fern tree?

Epiphyte Tree dwelling ferns are actually flora that grow on the barks of trees and sometimes even near the top of the tree and they provide a second ecosystem for local wildlife. These ferns are not parasitic to the native tree.