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Q: What are the three basic drugs laws?
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How many basic movement laws did newton discover?

Isaac Newton discovered three basic laws of motion, known as Newton's Laws of Motion. These laws describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting on it.

What branch of government deals with drugs?

All three. Congress legislates against various drugs. The President executes these laws. The Supreme Court judges these laws.

Who was responsible for the three basic laws of motion?

Sir Isaac newton

Where are the basic laws of America kept?

How basic do you want to get? The US Constitution has the basic laws/rights.

What does repeal laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs mean?

"Repeal laws" means to get rid of laws that are currently in place "prohibiting" not allowing "adult possession and use of drugs." adults to have and use drugs. It means to get rid of laws that don't allow adults to have and use drugs.

Drugs that have copyright protection?

Drugs and other pharmaceuticals are protected under the patent laws not under the copyright laws.

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laws systems agriculture basic writing

What are the three branches of government and what are their functions?

The three branches of government are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches. The Legislative Branch's basic function is to make laws for the common good of the People. The basic function of the Legislative Branch is to enforce those laws. The Judicial Branch's basic function is to judge whether laws are unconstitutional, if not found Constitutional, they are not passed.

What are three illegal drugs?

Three illegal drugs are: heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.

What are the three laws of the cell theory?

The three laws of the cell theory is: 1) All living things are composed of cells 2)Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things 3)Cells are made from other existing cells

What is the most basic purpose for having laws?

The most basic purpose for having laws is to bring order to society.

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laws and drugs on alchol