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11y ago
(More than three, take your pick) appropriate:
  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • pH (acidic/base)
  • Humidity/moisture
  • Nutrients
  • Oxygen
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Q: What are the three condition yeast needs to grow and reproduce?
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What conditions are nessesary for yeast to reproduce?

Yeast needs lukewarm water, sugar, and oxygen to reproduce

How quickly does yeast reproduce?

Yeast can reproduce rapidly under ideal conditions, doubling in population every 1-2 hours. This rate can vary based on factors like temperature, nutrients, and pH levels in the environment.

Does dry active yeast reproduce?

No. Yeast can only reproduce while it is a liquid. If it is dry, it will not.

Does yeast reproduce by spores?


What kind of fission is found in yeast?

Yeast reproduce by Budding

Can something reproduce by budding and spores?

Yes yeast reproduce by this.

Do fungi reproduce byspores?

Some do. Yeast reproduce by budding or fission.

By what method did yeast and hydra reproduce?

Yeast reproduce through a process called budding, where a small daughter cell forms on the parent cell. Hydra reproduce asexually through budding or sexually through the production of eggs and sperm.

Can yeast produce their own food?

Yes, yeast can produce their own food through a process called fermentation, where they convert sugars into energy in the form of alcohol and carbon dioxide. This is how yeast is able to grow and reproduce.

What gas does yeast reproduce?

Carbon dioxide

How does yeast reproduce?

Yeast can reproduce asexually through budding, where a small outgrowth (bud) forms on the parent yeast cell and eventually separates to become a new yeast cell. Yeast can also reproduce sexually through a process called mating, where two yeast cells of opposite mating types come together to exchange genetic material and form a new hybrid cell.

Which cells reproduce by budding besides yeast?

Some examples of organisms that reproduce by budding include Hydra, some species of fungi, and some types of bacteria such as Prochloron.