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Q: What are the three criteria used to distinguish between different animal groups?
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What characteristics can help you easily distinguish between the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom?

cell structure

What is the difference between pandas and grizzle bears?

There is no difference. A panda is a bear. It is also called the Giant Panda to distinguish it from the Red Panda, which is a smaller animal and a completely different species (ailurus fulgens).

What features can be used to distinguish between an animal cell and a plant cell?

Plant cell has definite shape while animal cell has irregular shape.

What features distinguish grantia as an animal?

There are many features that distinguish grantia as an animal. The main feature is locomotion which is a key feature for animals.

What featurns can be used to distinguish between an animal cell and a plant cell?

The major differences are the cell wall in the plant cell is not present in the animal cell, the other major difference is that an animal cell has no permanent vacuole.

How could you genetically modify an animal so that it would distinguish more shades of green?

Introduce genes for different opsins that respond in the green region of the spectrum.

What are the plants and animals different?

The differences between a plant and an animal * An animal eats different types of things a plant uses photosynthesis * A plant grows underground and a animal does not.

What is selection index in animal breeding?

The selection index is where you have to score your selected animal you are going to breed. You first choose 5 or 6 criteria which is important to you such as good temperament, long legs etc. You then merit score how good your animals are between 1 and 10. Then you weighting which is giving your criteria a score between 1 and 4, you score this on how important each criteria is to you if you want in the young offspring. You then times the merit score by the weighting score for each criteria and then add them all up and put the score over 150 which is the maximum score than can be giving. You then find the percentage of that.

What animal has zebra legs and related to the giraffe?

The Okapi meets these criteria.

Can you bring an animal on an airplane?

It depends. Different airlines have different criteria for what you can and can't bring on their airplanes. Most airlines let you bring pets as carry-on baggage, but you should check with your airline first, just to be safe.

How you distinguish animal cell from plant cells?

I don't have the answer I'm so sorry

How are animal cell different from animal cells?

there is no differnce between animal cell and animal cells expect for that animals is more then one cell and animal cell is just one cell