

Best Answer

Air is 0.045 CO2 whereas exhaled air has a maximum differential expulsion rate of 89.26 comparative to inhaled air which only has a minimum verify rate of 56 in relation to th diverse of 24% CO2 in exhaled air. Nitrogen is also refunde by the body but there is less ompared to in haled air. Vincongagouious to the differ in hydrogen, there is also more water in exhaled air.

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Q: What are the three differences between the air you breathe in and the air you breathe out?
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What are the differences between the surrounding air and exhaled air?

The air you breathe out is little changed from the air you breathe in, except that the oxygen content is somewhat lower - your body extracts some (not all) of the oxygen. The exhaled air is the same except for slightly lowered oxygen content.

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There are many differences between the shark and the dolphin. Sharks are cartilaginous fish whereas the dolphin is a mammal. Sharks take air in through their gills while dolphins breathe fresh air using their lungs.

What is the difference between the air we breathe in and the air we breathe out?

The difference - is in the proportion of the gasses present. The air we breathe in contains about 20% Oxygen. What we breathe out has about 16% oxygen and high levels of carbon dioxide.

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It heats it, humidifies it and filters it.

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They breathe air with lungs.

Do rope fish breathe air?

They do breathe air.

How do bettas breathe?

Betta fish breathe air....yes... that's right... they breathe air. They breathe air because they have an organ by their gills that is called the Labyrinth's Organ which allows them to breathe air. They breathe air by coming up to the surface of the water. Then they gather air in their mouths and hold their breath underwater.

Do cheetahs breathe air?

Yes, cheetahs do breathe air.

Is helium or air you breathe out denser?

The air you breathe out is denser.

Why is air pressure at the top of a mountain hard to breathe?

You dont breathe air pressure. You breathe air. It is harder to breathe because of the low air pressure due to the higher elavation.