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pepsin , rennin , hydrochloric acid

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Q: What are the three digestive juices?
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Where is digestive juices produced?

Digestive juices is produced in the stomach and small intestine. The mouth does not produce digestive juices, it is only saliva. The food will stay in the stomach for 2-5 hours and digestive juices are added to make it softer and then, the food travels to the small intestine where more digestive juices are added.

Would the blood vessels carry digestive juices to the digestive system?

Blood vessels do not carry digestive juices to the digestive system. Digestive juices are either secreted directly into the lumen of the digestive tract, or are carried by ducts, as with bile and pancreatic juice.

Does large intestine have digestive juices?

Yes. That is your body's way of getting rid of digestive juices.

What does the digestive system produce?

The digestive system creates alot of juices. like Gastric juices, digestive juices in the schmach such as hydrochloric acid. Also Insulin, Enzymes, Saliva, and Bile.

What digestive juices do digestive system releases?

help the digestive system

Do glands in the stomach produce the first digestive juices used in the digestive process?

The first digestive juices are those produced in saliva that is excreted into the mouth.

What two structures add digestive juices for the breakdown of fat?

The gallbladder and pancreas add digestive juices for the breakdown of fat.

What are digestive juices produced by?


Where are the digestive juices located?


Does the saliva secrete digestive juices?


What is the function of digestive juices?


How do they digest food?

The digestive juices