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Roman Catholic AnswerIn the order that they are received: In the Eastern Rites, they would be Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. In the Latin Rite, they would be Baptism, Penance, and Holy Eucharist.
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Tomasa Crooks

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Q: What are the three first sacraments?
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What are the tree sacraments of iaitiation?

The three sacraments of initiation are Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist.

Is Reconciliation a sacrament of initiation?

No. It is the sacrament where sins are confessed and forgiven.

What are the three essentials of each sacraments?

God Faith People

What three sacraments is Chrism used for?

Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders ( priesthood).

Why are the 7 sacraments split into 3 groups?

They are things we do on a spiritual basis first three mean initiation into church next three represent life (marriage, holy orders etc.) last represent death

What are the three sacraments of service in the Catholic Church?

There are only two sacraments of service in the Catholic Church. Modern catechists commonly refer to Holy Orders and Matrimony as sacraments of service, although please note that this term is not used in the Catechism, instead the Catechism refers to these as sacraments directed toward the salvation of others.

Which three sacraments did martin Luther keep?

Baptism and Communion

What three sacraments confer a permanent character and are celebrated only once?

Baptism, Conformation, and death

Do you have to make your first commion?

In order to be married in the Roman Catholic Church you will need complete the sacraments of initiation which are baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. You would also need all three if you want to become a nun or a priest. . .

What helps celebrate the unity of the Sacraments of Initiation?

Catholic AnswerThe Sacraments of Initiation, baptism, confirmation, and Holy Eucharist, are normally received all at once except in the case of infants in the Western Church. In the Eastern Church, these sacraments are all received by an infant, at the same time: the priest confirms the infant immediately after Baptism, and then gives Holy Communion. In the Western Church, the three sacraments are still received together by adults coming into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Those who are not baptized, are baptized, then confirmed, then, later in the Mass, receive their first Holy Communion. Is in only in the case of infants in the Western Church where the sacraments of initiation have been set apart and are usually given Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, - in that order.

What are the three sacraments that can help a fifth grade like me live a holy life?


Do you have to do the Eucharist before getting confirmed?

Yes, in the Catholic Church there are 3 sacraments of initiation: Baptism, First Communion (receiving the Eucharist), and Confirmation. All sacraments are received in that order.