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Oil, coal, and gas. Oil is pumped out of the ground, coal is mined, and gas is also pumped

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Q: What are the three forms of fossil fuels and what form does each one take?
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Related questions

How much of each of the fossil fuels are left?

Oil is about 1.2 trillion barrels.

Why are you running out of fossil fuels?

We are running out of fossil fuels because people are driving to the same place with 2 cars rather than 1 if you 2 are friends so one of you can give each other a lift , :) lol I think

What 2 fossil fuels form next to each other?

Oil natural gas

What 2 fossil fuels are formed next to each other?

Oil natural gas

Why do fossil fuels burn?

Since the industrial revolution people have needed more energy than that which comes from he sun each day to run their technology. Fossil fuels (stored sunlight from long ago) are the major source of this required energy and this is why their sources have been developed.

How does nuclear energy differ from fossil fuels?

With fossil fuels we burn them to produce heat. With nuclear fuel we produce a nuclear chain reaction in a reactor which produces heat. Using the heat to produce electricity is the same for both types of fuel.

What are the advantage of solar energy over fossil fuels?

1- No direct output of polluting emissions ( though the production of solar panels emits CO2 and is costly and materials' intensive) 2- almost zero running cost ( free energy), yet expensive to manufacture, and occupies huge amounts of land and is not efficient. 3- Renewable and that is it: the advantages of fossil fuels over solar energy outweigh the adv. of solar over fossil fuels. for instance, 1- fossil fuels are abundant, cheap, reliable, have been integrated to our energy consumption systems for decades 2- they are mobile 3- very high energy density, each kg of fossil fuels can generate millions of KJ

What green house gasses do fossil fuels emit?

Chiefly carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels are primarily carbon. When burned, this carbon combines with atmospheric oxygen to form CO2. CO2 is a heat trapping gas which lingers for centuries, and human consumption of fossil fuel now liberates over 20 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

Why do you need to use recycle reduce and reuse?

These three Rs each help us reduce our use of energy. Energy (electricity) is usually generated by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), which is causing global warming.

How many megatons of carbon do humans produce by burning fossils fuels each year?

Total world energy-related carbon dioxide emissions were 29.7 billion metric tons in 2007.A:Humans add about 27 billion tonnes (nearly 30 billion US tons) of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels every year.

How are non fossil fuels formed?

It depends which non fossil fuel you are referring to.People use food as a fuel source.Electricity can be generated by the sun, wind, hydro power, nuclear, fuel cells. Each are formed in different ways.

which is a fossil fuel?

A fossil fuel is when a man and a women like each other very much and express there feelings to each otherthey spawn minions which are then fossil fuelsorit is when old people are put on a hamster wheel and they run around to make electricity and becasue there old there called fossils and so fossil fuels are made :Dthxilovemen