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The three largest mountain ranges in the world are Andes, Rocky Mountains and Transantarctic Mountains. These are the longest ranges in the world.

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Q: What are the three largest mountain ranges in the world?
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There are several major mountain ranges in the world. Three of them are the Himalayan Mountains, the Alps, and the Rocky Mountains.

What are three major mountain ranges and states to what continents they belong?

The three major mountain ranges are the Andes, the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. Andes mountain ranges are in South America and both of the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains are in North America.

Three major mountain ranges of the world?

There are a wide variety of major mountain ranges in the world. Three include the Himalayas in Asia, the Rockies in North America, and the Andes in South America.

Are there more mountain ranges or continent is the world?

more mountain ranges

There more mountain ranges or continent in the world?

There are more mountain ranges in the world than continents.

Are there more mouuntain ranges or continents in the world?

There are more mountain ranges in the world see there are 7 continents in the world and over 1000 mountain ranges in the world

Are there more continents or mountain ranges in the world?

There are only seven continents and hundreds of mountain ranges; that means that there are more mountain ranges than continents. Since every continent contains multiple mountain ranges it is safe to say that there are more mountain ranges than continents.

Are the mountain ranges or continents in the world?

There are only 7 continents in the world 7 so there has got to be more mountain ranges!

Are more continents or mountain ranges in the world?

There are only 7 continents in the world 7 so there has got to be more mountain ranges!