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Q: What are the three main components of the HIPAA law?
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Can a VA Center have cameras in the waiting room does HIPAA regulate it?

Terrific question! The real question isn't so much the cameras though -- which are probably legal -- but the steps taken to (a) secure the footage so the patients privacy rights aren't violated, (b) and the patients access to the recordings, which should be accorded under the law. Bear in mind that HIPAA has really never been tested in court. All DOJ HIPAA cases have had their HIPAA components dropped, and replaced by more established law (for instance, a nurse who stole terminal patients' credit card info was originally charged under HIPAA, but that charge was dropped in favor of an Identity Theft charge). As video surveillance imagery is clearly Individually Identifiable Health Information (IIHI) and and the VA acts as a Covered Entity (CE) under this law, I'd say HIPAA does indeed regulate it, but the lack of case law is going to make this issue ... interesting.

Most likely to violate HIPAA law?

Gossipy records clerks.

Health insurance claims are not covered by HIPPA law?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes a foundation of Federal protection for personal ... Determining eligibility or coverage under a plan and adjudicating claims; ... any health care provider (including providers not covered by the Privacy Rule).

What law made extensive changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule?

HIPPA is the law that created the extensive changes.

Is the HIPPA law a federal law?

HIPAA provides a uniform set of guidelines that apply to all providers and organizations. HIPAA requirements are not affected by state boundaries.

What law should you follow if a state law and HIPAA federal law disagree?

If the state laws conflict, you must follow either the law that offers the greater privacy protection or that which offers more patient rights.