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the mouth, pharynx and larynx :)

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Q: What are the three main resonators of the human voice?
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What are the three main vocal resonators?

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Active voice, passive voice, and middle voice are the three main forms of voice in grammar. In active voice, the subject performs the action. In passive voice, the subject receives the action. In middle voice, the subject acts upon itself.

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the main three function of Human Resource Management is 1. HR PLANNING. HR PLANNING is the process of reviewing & identifying future human resource needs of an organization.

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What is voice process and non-voice processs or back office?

Voice process has to do with computers that store human voices, speak and react to human speech. When it comes to employees, it means that they do not use voice as in call centers. Non-voice process or back office is where the main job is not using voice but writing or any other hand task. One example is clerical work.

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What were three arguments in the in the declaration of independence?

AnswerThe three main topics of the Declaration of Independence were the freedom of religion, the voice of the people to matter, and the pursuit of happiness.... :)