

What are the three major steps in note taking?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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The three major steps are find think about your topic, find your main question, and use your resources to answer the question.

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Q: What are the three major steps in note taking?
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What are the three major steps of effective note taking and why?

How about you look through the text book and find them, slacker

How many whole steps are there in a 7 note major scale?


What major note are you in if your keynote is A?

The keynote is the note which starts any scale (whether black, white, major or minor) so if the keynote is A you are in the key of A major - with three sharps.

What is a third?

That's a vague sounding question, but I've encountered the term in music theory, referring to the third step of an 8 step scale (do, re, mi). The 3rd is known as a color tone along with the 6th, 7th, and 9th, because it helps to determine the quality of a chord (more than two notes played in unison).A triad is a 3 note chord consisting of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th degrees of a scale played in unison. It can be major, minor, or diminished depending on the relative distance between scale degrees.Every scale in western music contains 12 half steps. This constitutes an octave, or the repetition of the root note one octave up. The 3rd can determine whether a chord is major, minor, or diminished by its location between the root note and the 5th. If a 3rd is three half steps from the root and four half steps from the 5th, a minor chord is made. If it is four half steps from the root and three half steps from the 5th, a major chord is made. If the 3rd is three half steps from the root and three half steps from the 5th, a diminished chord is made.It is possible to create major and minor intervals with only two notes. Three half steps between notes indicates a minor interval, and four half steps indicates a major interval. A diminished chord requires at least three notes, as it cannot be diminished without a flat 5th.I hope this quick breakdown of triad music theory sheds some light.

What is the definition of a major scale in music?

A major scale is represented with intervals of whole steps between each note except for mi & fa, and ti & do.

What is the difference between minor chords and major chords'?

A major chord is just a triad (3 notes, the 1st being 3 whole steps away from the 2nd, and the 2nd being 3 whole steps way from the 3rd). For example a major C chord consists of the notes C E and G. A minor C chord consists of C Eflat and G. In a minor chord the middle note (a.k.a the third, because its 3 steps away from the first note) is taken down a half step (E to Eflat). Hope this helps. There's a little misinformation in the above account. The notes are correct; a C major chord is constructed from the notes C, E, G. But the step counts are wrong. (On the guitar, two frets = 1 step; 1 fret = 1/2 step.) In the construction of a major chord you move TWO steps from the root note to find the second note (which is a major 3rd of the root). Then you move up a step and a half (three frets) from this note to find the third note of the chord (which is a perfect fifth of the root). So, again with the C major chord, we have the following - Start with C, move up two steps (four frets) to E, move up 1&1/2 steps (three frets) to G. Those are your notes - C, E, G. For minor chords, start with the root note, move up 1 & 1/2 steps (three frets) for the second note, and then move up two steps (four frets) for the third note. So, for A minor, we have the following: A, move up 1 & 1/2 steps (three frets) to C, and finally move up two steps (four frets) to E. Those are your notes - A, C, E. To be thorough, let's harmonize the C major scale. The scale is composed of the following notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. To form the chords of this scale, start with a note on the scale and then move up twice in diatonic 3rds to get all three notes of the chord. So the chords in the key of C major are these: C major: C, E, G. D minor: D, F, A. E minor: E, G, B. F major: F, A, C. G major: G, B, D. A minor: A, C, E. B diminished: B, D, F. The 7th chord (B diminished) is weird because all other chords involve 1 &1/2 steps and 2 steps to establish the notes of the chord. But for the 7th chord the notes are pushed together, so we have a 1 &1/2 step (three frets), followed by another 1 & 1/2 step (three frets). The third note of the chord is not a perfect fifth of the root, as it is in all the other chords. Rather, it's a diminished 5th, which generates a really dissonant sound. In rock, diminished chords are commonly replaced with minor chords. There's only one note difference, and minor chords are easier to play.

What sharps or flats does the F major scale have?

There are 3. The scale notes are: A B C# D E F# G# and then back to A so the 3 sharps are C#, F# and G#. All major scales are a pattern of whole steps and half steps so if you know this pattern then even if you are not a musician you can play every major scale on a piano. Just start with the note that begins the scale, in this case 'A'. The pattern is 2 whole steps, then a half step, then 3 whole steps, and another half step back to the beginning note (an octave higher). On a piano, the whole steps (no matter what note you start from) are 2 keys apart. From A to B there is a black note in between, this is a whole step. From B to C is only a half step (there is no black note in between) so you have to jump to C# (the black note to the right of C), then we come to the first half step, from C# to D (the white note immediately to the right)... and so on.

What does the musical term major third mean?

A minor chord (triad, at least) is the first, third, and fifth notes of any minor scale played at the same time.

Is C major the key note for do in Solfege?

Any note can be do especially when warming up but most people use c to start there warming up and then move half steps up the scale and each new note becoming a do

What are the steps to find scale?

Depending on what scale you want to find, you would follow a series of half steps and whole steps from a tonic note upwards until you reach the tonic again. For example: Given the knowledge that the major scale has 2 whole steps, 1 half step, 3 whole steps, and 1 half step, you can find any major scale from any given tonic.

Adding three sharps to a note will raise it by how many steps?

It will raise it a step and a half. example: C#->D->D#->E

What is the notes that are played in a blues music?

1. if it is for piano then you start at the very lowest C.2.You do a scale until G, then press the sharp/flat, eg black note, to the top right of that note.3.Press E.4. Repeat Steps one to three..5. Repeat Steps one to three starting at E.6. Repeat steps one to three again normally.7. Press the lowest note on the keyboard.Bon appétíté, Voíla, here you go, gourmét café delúxé, whatever you want me to say.