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Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Indian Ocean.

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Q: What are the three oeans that border the Southern Ocean?
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What are the three oceans that border antarctica?

Collectively, the water surrounding the Antarctic continent is called the Southern Ocean.

Name the three oceans that border the Antarctic?

The Southern Ocean surrounds the continent of Antarctica, but you may be thinking of the South Atlantic, the South Pacific and the Southern Indian Oceans which all feed the Southern Ocean north of 60 degrees S.

What three bodies of ocean border South America?

To the West of South America is the South Pacific, East is South Atlantic, South is the Southern Ocean (also known as the Antarctic Ocean or the Austral Ocean).

What ocean does Africa Antarctia Asia and Australia touch?

The Indian Ocean. However, it does not border Antarctica. Antarctica is completely surrounded by the Southern Ocean.

What three ocean border the US?

artic ocean,pacific ocean,and atlantic ocean.

What three states has the Pacific Ocean as there border?

California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska border the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean.

What ocean is part of three other oceans?

southern ocean

Which 3 seas border Canada?

The coastlines are the longest of any country in the world. Canada has coastlines on three oceans: Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic.

How many ocean that border Latin American?

Three: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Antarctic Ocean

What continents border 3 oceans?

North America and Asia both border three oceans. North America borders the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans. Asia borders the Pacific, Indian, and Arctic oceans. You could also possibly argue that Australia borders three oceans - the Pacific, Indian, and Southern oceans. However, not all authorities agree as to the northern boundary of the Southern Ocean so it is debatable whether the southern coast of Australia is the Southern Ocean or the Indian Ocean. Australian charts show it as it the Southern Ocean, but the International Hydrographic Organization defines the northern boundary of the Southern Ocean to be 60 degrees South, and by that definition Australia's southern coast is actually the Indian Ocean. Also, if you consider that the Mediterranean Sea is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean, then Asia could technically be said to border four oceans (Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Atlantic).

What oceans are in the southern hemishpere?

The Pacific (southern), the Atlantic (southern), the Indian, and the Southern Ocean. The Southern ocean is only sometimes considered an ocean. I only learned the first three and the arctic in school.

What are the three oceans that border the continent on which we live?

Atlantic Ocean,Arctic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean.