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Q: What are the three of the steps to show a possible way nitrogen can move through an ecosystem?
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What are the steps in nitrogen cycle?

nitrogen fixation, denitrification, nitrification, amonification are the for steps of the nitrogen cycle.

Outline the major steps in the nitrogen cycle?

The major steps in the nitrogen cycle: nitrogen moves from the air to the soil, into living things, and back into the air

Has five steps nitrogen fixation nitrification assimilation ammonification and denitrification?

The Nitrogen Cycle has five steps which include; Nitrogen Fixation, Nitrification, Assimilation, Ammonification, and Denitrification.

Outline the major steps in the nitrogyn cycle?

The major steps in the nitrogen cycle: nitrogen moves from the air to the soil, into living things, and back into the air.

What were the steps taken to discover nitrogen?

Daniel Rutherford discovered nitrogen in 1772; Antoine Lavoisier was the first to consider nitrogen as a chemical element.

How many steps is it going down cycling road in firered?

After counting the steps on the route, I got that it was 258 steps from the Celedon City Pokemon Center to the watch tower at the end of the bike route going straight through it. Since it's not possible to go through without turning I'd say you'll be within 20 steps of 258 every trip.

If DNA molecule is compared to a spiral staircase what part make up the steps?

pairs of nitrogen bases

The steps of the nitrogen cycle?

A deer in the woods has just released urine. Number the steps to follow the nitrogen molecules in the urine as they go through the nitrogen cycle.To get you started, Step 1 is "Nitrogen is found in urine, which gets broken down into ammonium through the process of ammonification."1.Step 1Bacteria in the soil conduct nitrogen fixation to convert nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into ammonium.2.Step 2Ammonium can be absorbed by plants, but some is converted into nitrates, which are better for plants to absorb. This is called nitrification.3.Step 3Nitrogen is found in the urine, which gets broken down into ammonium through the process of ammonification.4.Step 4The deer eats the plants and uses the nitrogen-containing proteins for cell growth.5.Step 5Some of the nitrates are absorbed back into plants, but denitrification breaks down the nitrates into nitrogen gas released back into the atmosphere.6.Step 6Plants absorb the ammonium and begin assimilation, the process to add the nitrogen to protein.

How do you get to Candice the seventh gym leader on Pokemon pearl in the least steps as possible?

you must first go through mt.coronet and make it through a bunch of snow and then when you get to snowpoint city and then you challenge her.

In the Watson-Crick model of a double helix the steps of the spiral staircase are composed of?

Nitrogen Bases.

Explain How do nitrogen cycles through a tropical rain forest?

The nitrogen in a tropical rain forest goes through the normal nitrogen cycle steps and also gains nitrogen directly from lightning activity.Basic Nitrogen cycle steps:1. Nitrogen-fixation: nitrogen gas (N2) in the atmosphere is changed into ammonia (NH3) by special nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. 2. Nitrification: the conversion of ammonia (NH3) to nitrate (NO3-), done in two steps by bacteria. In the first step NH3 is converted to nitrite (NO2-). The second step is for NO2- to be converted into NO3-.3. Assimilation: NH3 and NO3- compounds are taken into plants' biological tissues. Nitrogen is needed for the building of proteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Plants can use NO3- and NH3, animals obtain nitrogen by eating plants or other animals.4. Ammonification: the conversion of organic nitrogen into ammonia (NH3); acomplished by the decomposition of organisms or waste products (urine and feces).5. Denitrification: the process of changing NO3- to N2 gas. This is done by bacteria where there is little or no oxygen. This returns nitrogen to the atmosphere.Role of lightning:Lightning produces NH3, NO2-, and NO3- compounds fromN2 gas in the atmosphere so nitrogen can be incorperated into the stages of the cycle without nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Lightning is an important part of the nitrogen cycle, especially in the rain forest since the soils are heavily leached. Much of the nitrogen in the soil is washed away by the rain. The lightning replenishes the soil and leaves some of nitrogen compounds in the air. Plant leaves can readily take up NO3- from the air and some plants depend on it (such as epiphytes whose roots do not reach the soil).Estimates of how much nitrogen forests take in varies widely, but some have speculated that in a year a rainforest could take in as much as 50 pounds of nitrogen per acre.

Why are small steps so important?

It is often not possible to take large steps, but if you can take enough small steps they will add up to large steps.