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Q: What are the timbers that support the rails called?
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What do you call the timbers that support the rails on the tracks?


What are structural timbers?

Structural timbers are those timbers used in the construction of a building that are "load bearing". They are the timbers placed under stress by and that support the weight of the building.

Why are there a second set of rails inside of the main rails when tracks cross a trestle and what is this called?

The inside rails inside of the main rails are called guard rails. They are there so that if there is a derailment the train will stay within the rails instead of off of the trestle.

What are the guard rails on a ship called?

They're called taff rails, especially at the stern of the ship

What was a horse drawn wagon on rails called?

A horse drawn wagon on rails is called a sled or sleigh.

How do you use rails as a noun in a sentence?

A rail is a support structure, usually a length wood or metal. Rails is the plural form and can mean any number of support rails or the parallel metal beams on which a train or trolley runs. Example sentences:Stop, look, and listen before you cross the rails.The family sat on the porch rails for a sing along.

What are timbers under the floor called?

floor joists and they sit on bearers

What is a railroad?

In the United States we call them Railroads, in other countries they may be called Railways. I am talking about a set of two steel rails the are supported by wooden or concrete ties that the rails are anchored to. The ties are there to support the rails, help spread the weight of the locomotives and cars over more surface area, and to keep the rails at a set distance apart. This allows the locomotive and cars, also called a train, to travel on top of the rails safely and quickly. In essence a railroad is a road of steel rails, that allows heavy loads to be hauled from one location to another. There is a whole network of these roads all across most every country on earth.

What are overhead rails called?

crossword answer? ELS

What are staircase rails called?

Handrails or bannisters

Why did the British decide not to support the Native Americans at the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

The British did not want war with the United States.

When was Nash Timbers created?

Nash Timbers was created in 2003.