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There are so many different writing tips that I could come up with, I'll try to do my best.


- If you are introducing a new world, don't throw your reader into it all of a sudden. Let them ease into it, explaining different parts as they come up. You can also include things like maps or a language dictionary if your new world speaks a different language. If you character is entering this new world as a stranger, let your reader learn along with him/her through their experiences.

- Don't be afraid to be bold. Have you ever read Harry Potter? That is one popular series right there, and do you know how crazy J.K. Rowling has been with her creatures?

- Let the plot have something to do with the fantasy element. What's the point of having a crazy world if you aren't going to use some element of it in your conflict?

Try reading the Harry Potter or Twilight books for examples of fantasy.


- One word: Suspense. The key element to a great mystery is to be hanging on every word scared and afraid of what's next, but eager to keep going. Plot twists, cliff hangers, and completely defying the laws of common sense.

Try reading Agatha Chrisite for examples of mystery.


-When writing non-fiction it is important to make it informative, of course, but you can't let your reader fall asleep. It needs to read like fiction. First of all, your topic needs to be interesting for anyone to pick up the book in the first place. Include quotes, statistics, interviews, and primary source documents to keep things going. It's a way to take a break from fact after fact after fact and is a sign that you put effort into your research.

This is only the beginning. Try reading Writing Magic by Gail Carson Levine and check out this helpful site:

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