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Each breed on Howrse has different top skills according to what it is better suited to, which is dictated by genetics. To find your horse's top skills, click on his breed link in the center of his page under the picture to see a breakdown.

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Q: What are Arabian horses top skills in Howrse?
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How do you see your other horses on Howrse?

If you have a Howrse account first log in then at the top byequestrian centertraderankinghover you mouse over breeding then it will say my horses click on that and walla there's Ur horses.

What are the top 2 skills on howrse?

your horses top two skills are the two skills it exells in. The top two skills are different for each breed. go to your horses page and scroll down to under the energy health and morale box is and to the box that says characteristics.At the top of the box it tells you what breed your horse on the underlined text and it takes you to a different page.under the ALLOWED COATS box there is a skills box. Look for the two skills with the highest stars (if you can't tell hover your mouse over the stars and it tells you the pecentage).The skills with the two highest stars/percentage are your horses two top skills.

What is a good breed of horse for cutting on howrse?

Purebred Spanish Horse, Friesian, Arabian, Argentinean Criollo and Akhal-Teke are the best I've found. They all have speed, stamina, and dressage as their top three skills.

How do you get to your horses page on Howrse?

you go to my horses on the top of the page. where you hover over everything.up there should be my breeding farm and it should say my horses or something.

Where do you see your horses GP on Howrse?

when you log into howrse go to your horses page on the one where you want to check its GP. click on the tab: Genetic (the one beside charcteristics) and it should be up the top of the tab. hope this helped :]

How do to top the charts on Howrse?

The achievements have now ended on Howrse so you won't need to worry about this. That particular achievement goal needed you to be in the top 100 for two rankings - the easiest to make it on are horses cared for and popularity.

Why is it so hard to raise your horses blup?

To get your horse's BLUP to 100 your horse has to be maxed in its top three skills, must have won 20 comps and has to be ten years old. It's a pain, but it makes the foals the horses produce better. ~Camigurl on howrse if you want to friend. :)

Who is the best horse on Howrse that you can breed?

Well im not sure but the top ten elite are mostly Freisian horses.

How do you send apples on Howrse?

You go to another person's horse's page, and click send an apple on the top right of the horses page. I am Buffy Kiev on Howrse if you have any more questions

What are genetic potentials on howrse?

Generic potentials impact how much skills your horse can gain. It shows the top 3 skills, which are necessary when bluping.

Do you have a color chart for Arabians on Howrse?

yes. Go to the top right hand corner. directories<breeding<arabian and it should give you all the info.

What is the most popular breed on Howrse?

There is not really on type of howrse more popular than others, however at the moment there are most arabs, then paints then thoroughbreds on the international howrse. However everyone has a different favourite!