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Q: What are the treatment options for the 2 types of hearing loss?
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What is progressive and sudden hearing loss?

The progressive hearing loss means that, hearing loss becomes worse over time. Sudden hearing loss means, hearing loss that happens quickly. Such a hearing loss requires immediate medical attention to determine its cause and treatment. The Art of hearing is one of the audiologists in Perth, WA which provides free online hearing tests. So it is easy to undergo hearing tests.

Dhiya hearing care?

providing expertise in hear loss treatment

Which types of hearing problem can be reduced with ordinary hearing aids?

If sensory-neural hearing loss is present, then hearing aids will be advocated.

How can some conductive hearing loss be prevented?

Prompt treatment and attentive follow-up of middle ear infections in children will prevent this cause of conductive hearing loss.

What are the different types of hearing impairments?

There are three basic types of hearing loss. They are as follows: 1. Conductive 2. Sensorineural 3. Mixed

What distinguishes the types of hearing loss?

Two tests that are commonly used to distinguish conductive hearing loss from sensorineural are Rinne's test and Weber's test.

How is mild hearing loss treated in children?

Usually it isn't. When hearing loss becomes bothersome or problematic, then a hearing aid may be used. In children there can be temporary mild hearing loss due to ear infections (especially otitis media). After antibiotic treatment, normal hearing (or, at least, hearing that was normal for that person before the infection) will return.

What are the three basic types of hearing loss?

sensorineural, conductive, and mixed

How can you correct hearing loss?

Unfortunately, in most cases hearing loss does not improve. However, some types of hearing loss can be caused by problems which may be treated medically, such as ear infections or a perforated ear-drum. These types of loss can often improve. If the loss is a nerve loss, as is most hearing loss, it is not likely to get better. Depends on the cause of hearing loss. If the loss is conductive - ie. caused by a problem with the ear canal, ear drum, bones behind the ear or middle ear cavity, there is a good chance that it could be treated surgically. If the hearing loss is due to changes in the nerves (sensorineural hearing loss) then there is no surgical, medical or alternative treatment that will improve the hearing. An audiologist will be able to tell you if your results indicate that you have a conductive, sensorineural or mixed (both types) loss.

What is the purpose of rehabilitation?

Aural Rehabilitation is an attempt to identify and diagnose various types of hearing loss. Aural rehabilitation can help patients to increase their hearing abilities and overcome any handicaps that may have stemmed from the aforementioned hearing loss.

What are the two tpes of deafness?

Hearing loss is separated into two types or categories. These are Sensorineural, neural, inner ear or cochlear hearing loss and Conductive, blockage of the inner and outer ear, a ruptured eardrum or some type of structure abnormality. . In some cases, some people have shown signs of both types at the same time. This is called a mixed hearing loss. In rare instances, hearing loss can result from some damage to auditory sensors in the brain.

What causes hearing impairment?

Typical permanent hearing loss is due to damage caused to the eardrum, which can include scaring or perforation, normally caused by exposure to loud noises. Typical temporary hearing loss is normally due either to waxy buildup on the outside of the eardrum (DO NOT TRY TO CLEAR THIS YOURSELF), or a buildup of pressure on the inside wall of the eardrum. There are countless other types of temporary and permanent hearing loss and reduction, consult a medical professional if you even suspect your hearing may be degrading. Many types of hearing loss are preventable if caught in the early stages.