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which are two basic point of reference on the surface of the earth

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Q: What are the two basic points of reference on the surface of the earth?
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What are reference points on the earths surface?

We have several reference points on the Earth's surface, for our convenience. The North and South Poles are a couple. The choice of Greenwich as the zero longitude, and of the International Date Line are another two. These points have no specific feature on the surface, they are decided on for the convenience of the users.

What are the reference point on the Earth?

We have several reference points on the Earth's surface, for our convenience. The North and South Poles are a couple. The choice of Greenwich as the zero longitude, and of the International Date Line are another two. These points have no specific feature on the surface, they are decided on for the convenience of the users.

Are basic found on the Earth's surface?

There are many basic things found on earth's surface.

What is the reference point used to make all government maps?

The reference point used to make all government maps is typically latitude and longitude coordinates from the Earth's surface. These coordinates provide a universal system for locating points on the Earth's surface with accuracy.

Is potential energy on the surface of earth is always zero?

No, potential energy on the surface of Earth is not always zero. Potential energy depends on the reference point chosen, which affects the calculation of the potential energy. Typically, the reference point for potential energy on the surface of Earth is chosen to be at ground level, but it can be adjusted if needed.

For determining motion the surface of earth is a common?

reference point

What are the points where the Earth's axis passes through the Earth's surface?

They are the poles.

What are two reference points on earth?

They are North Pole and South Pole

What reference lines are used to locate points on earth?

Latitude and Longitude

What is the traveling distance from earth's surface to earth's orbit?

The Earth's center, or a point very close to it inside the Earth, is exactly following the orbit. So there are always two points on the surface that are exactly on the orbit. It seems to me that these points would have to be in the Tropics, and would have to move along the surface as the Earth turns. It's not possible for ANY point on the surface to ever be more than about 6,200 miles from one of these points where the orbit actually meets the surface.

What is the potential on the surface of the earth?

There is no absolute measure for potential energy. The calculation for potential energy depends on the chosen reference level. Quite often, the Earth's surface is chosen as the reference level - in this case, an object on the surface will have zero potential energy.

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The height of the lands surface above sea level